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Everything posted by catscangame

  1. catscangame


    Wren grew up in a small settlement with her parents and little brother. She was a happy child, and her father was the towns herbalist, so she was never starving or homeless. Wren was a happy normal child. At 10 years old, goblins raided her village. Her home was set ablaze, and she lost her eyesight to a goblin’s blade. Her mother and Brother survived, but her father lost his life. As she grew older, she learned to use her other senses in order to see without her eyes. She spend a lot of time alone in the woods, gathering herbs as her father taught her, only using their smell and texture instead of seeing them. When she turned 20, she handed the mantle of the family to her brother, and set off into the world to seek elven monks, who she had heard rumors about amazing abilities with their eyes blindfolded. She is a fearless, over confident adventurer, but can never feel comfortable with the smell of fire, or goblins, ever again.
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