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Everything posted by Bless

  1. Bless


    The son of Ruediger and Figgid La’Vassieur, the third and youngest of the three brothers from the first La’Vassieur line. Not long after leaving the family Ruediger had lost contact with his kin. Striking out he eventually settled near Brandybrook for a short while, finding it not fitting to his liking he struck out shortly afterwards for a mystical city of Marsumar. Here he found the land to his liking, this was where Meath was born. As the son of a farmer, he learned quickly how to tend to the fields and grew quite well at it, eventually talking his father into making their own wine. Meath, as he turned 10 began to sell the wine to the locals of Marsumar, bragging of it’s glorious dwarven taste. This began his rise, from here young Meath was able to learn a bit of the world until he discovered the drugs of Sutica. At 15 the young Meath began to learn more and more of how drugs work and why they are used. He contented himself with his drug studies and helping on the family farm. Eventually his father, becoming intoxicated with his own wine, fell down a well, where he drowned. The father wasn’t found until nearly three days later when Meath’s mother, Figgid, went for water for the house. Meath took the blow hard, spiralling downward, eventually acquiring drugs and becoming addicted. His life was mainly a blur until the age of thirty. At thirty he began to hear of a Dwarf that had been called ‘The Stalwart’ a dwarf of the clan La’Vassieur named Durin. After his mother had begged him to know for sure, Meath began to stop taking drugs, lessening his addiction every year. After his thirty-fifth celebration he set off, along with a small package of drugs, just in case, to find this La’Vassieur clan. Never leaving Marsumar, Meath had many troubles and was soon lost in the blinding desert. Finding himself along in a treeline. Here he happened to stumble upon a dwarven hunter wearing colors he was not familiar with. “W’o be you!” Demanded Meath, half crazed with hunger and lack of sleep. “Groognig La’Vassieur, Ye look a frig’tful part terrible lad! Come wit me, we take an’ get ye back on yer feet.” Meath, being true to his stomach admitted defeat and followed the strange hunter with his name. Returning to a building marked ‘The Citadel’ where he was led inside. At a table he was introduced to a group, at the head sat none other than Durin ‘The Stalwart’ La’Vassieur himself. To which Meath explained his journey, and found his answer, he was indeed family of this group of dwarves. Later that year, the year being his 39th, word was sent to his mother that he would return to reunite her with their kinfolk at the lands known as Draknador, to settle among family.
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