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Posts posted by AstienGreenhart

  1. On 3/19/2024 at 10:24 AM, Telanir said:

    In parallel, we recognize that adult content is not inherently harmful. Adults engaging with mature content in their own spaces is a natural facet of life and we aren’t looking to police what you do in your spare time.

    Don't need this bit. Love the rest of the message, but there's no need to make this admission. Would have been fine to condemn all of it.

    Otherwise, love this!

  2. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    LOTC Discord Ban


    Ban Reason


    Investigation Ban (This was the ingame message, the discord server doesn't give one)


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    (It's been a while, but this is how I remember it)
    There was a discussion in the main LoTC discord server around a certain player (I can't remember their username after 3+months) having unsavoury tastes of a mature nature, and comparisons were made between LoTC and other game communities that they were in, in which they had reportedly begun looking at things in an NSFW way. It was revealed that they were a part of a group that I'm vehemently against, and I became quite emotional. I also had DMed the player on discord to ask about the claims the other person made, and they revealed even more of the (to my mind) messed-up things they were interested in.

    It was late at night, and I made some bad decisions, speaking out against this person in the discord server in ways that definitely went way too far - saying things along the lines of "A ban isn't enough, they need to be crusaded IRL", "Doxx and show up with a bomb".

    I did intend for the statements to be cruel, to show hate, but I didn't think of them at the time as being literal. When the moderator I spoke to phrased it as encouraging someone to do those things, it made me realise exactly what I'd said, and, though you might not believe me, I was horrified.

    I was subsequently banned for 3 months from the server and the discord servers while they investigated whether it would need to be an admin ban or not. I haven't had an answer yet on whether it was, so I'm sending this appeal through both channels. I allowed myself to get too involved, when I should have let things run their course with moderation, or whatever else needed to happen. I got too heated, and knowingly broke the rules. I genuinely regret what I did, and in future, I believe I can separate my IRL prejudices more.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    None that I disagree with. I realise that I went way too far, breaching policies left and right. The punishment was necessary, and I fully agree with the decision to inflict it.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    It's a pastime I very much enjoy, and interacting with the community on the discord server as well as on the server itself was the highlight of my day whenever I got on.


    Attach other relevant information.


    [I assume this is the right way to do things, making a seperate appeal for the discord server]

  3. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Investigation Ban


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    (It's been a while, but this is how I remember it)
    There was a discussion in the main LoTC discord server around a certain player (I can't remember their username after 3+months) having unsavoury tastes of a mature nature, and comparisons were made between LoTC and other game communities that they were in, in which they had reportedly begun looking at things in an NSFW way. It was revealed that they were a part of a group that I'm vehemently against, and I became quite emotional. I also had DMed the player on discord to ask about the claims the other person made, and they revealed even more of the (to my mind) messed-up things they were interested in.

    It was late at night, and I made some bad decisions, speaking out against this person in the discord server in ways that definitely went way too far - saying things along the lines of "A ban isn't enough, they need to be crusaded IRL", "Doxx and show up with a bomb".

    I did intend for the statements to be cruel, to show hate, but I didn't think of them at the time as being literal. When the moderator I spoke to phrased it as encouraging someone to do those things, it made me realise exactly what I'd said, and, though you might not believe me, I was horrified.

    I was subsequently banned for 3 months from the server and the discord servers while they investigated whether it would need to be an admin ban or not. I haven't had an answer yet on whether it was, so I'm sending this appeal through both channels. I allowed myself to get too involved, when I should have let things run their course with moderation, or whatever else needed to happen. I got too heated, and knowingly broke the rules. I genuinely regret what I did, and in future, I believe I can separate my IRL prejudices more.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    None that I disagree with. I realise that I went way too far, breaching policies left and right. The punishment was necessary, and I fully agree with the decision to inflict it.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    Overall, it's just something I very much enjoy doing, playing on the server. I used to be active whenever I was able to, and I've been wanting to return since the ban started.


    Attach other relevant information.


    [Resubmission of previous appeal with more information on ban reasons, as requested by moderator annabanana1014]

    Screenshot 2023-08-31 211402.png

  4. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    Investigation Ban


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    There was a discussion in the main LoTC discord server around a certain player having unsavoury tastes, and implications were made that they were on course to do some bad things relating to people on the server. It was revealed that they were a part of a group that I'm vehemently against, and I became quite emotional. It was late at night, and I made some bad decisions, speaking out against this person in ways that definitely went too far - saying things along the lines of "A ban isn't enough, they need to be crusaded IRL". I was subsequently banned for 3 months from the server and the discord servers while they investigated whether it would need to be an admin ban or not. I haven't had an answer yet on whether it was, so I'm sending this appeal through both channels. I allowed myself to get too involved, when I should have let things run their course with moderation, or whatever else needed to happen. I got too heated, and knowingly broke the rules. In future, I believe I can seperate my IRL prejudices more.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    None that I disagree with. I realise that I went way too far, breaching policies left and right. The punishment was necessary, and I fully agree with the decision to inflict it.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    Overall, it's just something I very much enjoy doing, playing on the server. I used to be active whenever I was able to, and I've been wanting to return since the ban started.


    Attach other relevant information.

    None more

    Screenshot 2023-08-31 211402.png

  5. Emanaf Valkor'onn returns home after the battle, left mechanical arm still crumpled and unusable after his venture into the swamps to help destroy Cloudbreaker's Phylactery. He offers a grim smile to the world outside, acknowledging the losses even within that small party, but thankful that they achieved their goal, whether he remembers it or not.

  6. Emanaf Valkor'onn sits bolt upright, panting, looking around his dry, sunlit room in alarm, eyes adjusting to the contrast from the dream, before looking over to the knife on his bedside counter. "I'll need something bigger than that."

  7. And would a Fordmaker be able to find out a person's ancestry by connecting with that person somehow, not being able to contact the dead ancestor since there is no significant object, but to find out who the person might have been?

  8. IGN (MC Username): AstienGreenhart
    Discord: AstienGreenhart#7262
    Likes: Fantasy, D&D, books, 80s music, art(I cant make it but I like it), skins/skinning, solid RP, friendship, any cool/unique RP items, irl stuff is good too, I'm happy with all kinds of stuff. If you give me VIP,  great, if I get a doodle of a divorced shark that's good too.
    Dislikes: Nothing really, anything comes as a surprise.

  9. Sometimes bandit RP can be amazing. Like for example, my first character, Arin, ran into some evil dwarves who took him to their lair and disfigured him. It was unexpected, it was unorthodox, but we all loved it because it was fantastic RP. I haven't faced many bandits who actually do the whole *Stabs* "Gib money".

  10. 11 hours ago, Mickaelhz said:

     The last, yet my most favourite scenario. This one led to my first ever ban on this server, which is nothing due to it only being three days. Yet, as for my friend, who was less fortunate and received a ban for an entire eighteen days. Anyway, my group and I decided to go and give Oren a large raid cooldown of two and a half days, instead of the casual spam cooldown of twenty four hours. This would lead to them having a two and a half day grace period, catching them a break from banditry on both their nation and nation road. We headed to the capital of Oren, ready to take whatever they had in their city, or at least make an attempt at taking from them. We ran from the East Fleet to Oren, and on the roads we met a patrol of six Orenians. One of their citizens engaged first in combat with us, in which we called for PVP. The countdown was called, so we could PVP and have it over with. According to the rules we can only have four people there, which we did not know at the time since we believed it was like the map before. This is where there was only a singular region per nation. It is cited below: 


    “Raid size is dependent on the raid target

    *Lairs: 3 player max

    *Settlements and non-capital tiles: 4 player max

    *Nation capital tiles: 5 player max”


    Thus, we believed we were on the capital tile, since the large text consisting of “The Holy Orenian Empire” appeared on our screens. The mod who was fighting alongside the Orenians did not mention a single thing regarding the rule breach, they even acknowledged the numbers before starting. After his acknowledgement, he even then corrected the player count to not just four, but five. 




    Regardless, the countdown between the six Orenians and the five bandits was called, for them to at last fight. Yet, before it had ended entirely, the Orenians chose to run. Following the rules, if you run before the countdown has ended entirely, you forfeit your option to fight back and instead have to run and run only. The rule is cited below:

    Rule 8 of Mechanics combat/PVP


    “To start PvP combat before the timer is over is prohibited. If either party starts to run before the timer is finished, they forfeit the ability to fight back and may only attempt to flee to safety instead. “


    This is the proof of the rule breach:




    Instead of following the listed rule, the Orenians decided to fight back anyway. Despite this not mattering in the grand scheme of things, due to them still losing to 2 bandits, it is still a breach of the rules. If we had broken this rule, we would’ve been gone for a month, or severely infracted; forced to write yet another appeal, about how we’re sorry and reformed. We did not pursue any punishment on them as we didn’t want to force some of their key players off of the server, no matter how long the ban would be. Then after all of this, we wrapped up the roleplay, using consequential and impressive emotes, ensuring good roleplay. We had captured the General of Oren afterall, we just wanted to provide some quality roleplay, so I will list the final emote below:




    Everything seemed to be great, we let ErikAzog run off with some potatoes so he could make it back to Providence. Then we all went our separate ways and the group called it a night. In contrast to our display of good-will, I woke up this morning with my DM’s flooded. Four to five of my guys had been banned for breaching raid rules, those people including: the military leader of Norland and the nation leader of Sutica, gone without conversation.


    This for me personally topped everything, we made sure that up to eight Orenians have remained unbanned over the last couple of days. We’ve done everything in our power to stay as nice as possible, and the second they lose a set of their gear, they take any chance to get some of our people banned. Doing all in their power to combat road banditry through removal of players from the server, rather than dealing with it through military roleplay or growth.





    All of this is true. Mickaelhz and his band behaved honourably during the encounter. I was downed early on and didn't get to see the end of the fight, but it was fair and I agree with all these points. All the bandits were extremely good sports about it, and I agree that this prejudice must stop, the same as with any other players. What has been happening with these bans and hate must be ended.

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