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  1. OmeletPanM33


    Stan was separated from his parents in a forest fire while he is still a kid and this has kept him in the dark about his parents. He was raised to the age of 15 by a man that saved him from the forest fire. The forest fire has caused an irreparable scar on his right arm and left him speech-impaired. Although he could still mumble and live with normal people, the children around him are bullying him because he is different from others. Such an encounter made him fearful to get along with others, the man who saved him are the only one he trusts. He called him ‘father’, he respects him, he obeys him, he has an insane faith on him. To be his pride, Stan tries hard at everything, which makes him learn theory slighter faster than the average person, but also made his body weaker than average. Everything was fine until the morning Stan found out that he'd abandoned at the age of 15, Stan didn’t know why does he leave, the petals of Phoenix' Teardrop and a scarf are the only things that he left to him. Stan had been wandering for years in search of him. Almost all his money is used to buy paper so he can ask people about his ‘father’ trace as the others may not understand his vague mumble. Now, Stan was in Helena —The capital of the Holy Orenian Empire, and had heard the news of his presence here, this time Stan wouldn't let him leave him again.
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