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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Lilia Beckan
  • Character Race
  1. Soph_Malone


    She was raised in a very pretentious family, her parents were better off than most, and spoiled their children. This led to Lilia becoming used to having whatever she needed. This shocked her when she ran away at 25, she tried to go back but her family home was burned down by orcs. She swore to avenge her family and ended up getting a large scar down her face. She was cared for after being beaten by the orcs by another elf. The other elf wouldn’t tell Lilia her name, but Lilia still remembers her, and keeps a not from her in a secret pocket in her robe. She fell in love with this mysterious elf, and lost her virtue to this elf. The morning after she was woken by an orc raid. The orcs told Lilia her lover had tipped them off, and she could either give up her life and become a slave to the orcs or they would kill her lover. She chose the former, and spent 48 years with the orcs, before her lover set her free. They escaped together and spent 2 years together before Lilia woke up from a drugged sleep bound to the bed as her lover (who had called her self Lola) prepared her as a sacrifice to an unknown god. Lilia escaped with fatal wounds and was found by a human guard. The guard took pity on her, took her in and healed her. He housed her and came home one day to her sat on the floor crying with bloody hands and a knife, and saw the ends of her ears on the floor beside her. She had mutilated her ears to try and escape her Elf past. The guard bandaged her up, and soothed her until she could explain to him why she had done it. They became a lot closer after that, and she loved him as a father until he died due to infection from his wounds after battle. It seemed everyone she loved died, she vowed never to trust or love again and became a peasant girl in the human city, still living the guard’s home which he had left to her. She uses her hair and robe to cover her unsightly ears, which have scarred to still reflect the pointed ears of the elves, just shorted and stubbier. She roams the city looking for whatever work she can find, which has led her to some very questionable careers in the past. Now she tries to do valued work where she can, but still manages to get into trouble, which isn’t helped by her snarky and sarcastic personality.
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