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About xXNicoKunXx

  • Birthday 04/13/2003

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  1. xXNicoKunXx


    Nico was an orphan that was taken in by a church when he was 8 years old. He was born in the westernmost lands of Beleriand where not many people would live in a forest. Nico was just a normal boy. He only had his Mother and Father we’re both hunters, they taught him how to become a hunter. He doesn’t have any siblings to speak of but training to become a hunter was hard and takes time. But he was happy that he had his parents beside him, he didn’t mind that it was hard to become a hunter. As long Nico had his parents beside him. But then everything fell apart His parents died in an accident by his best friend who was pretending to be friends with Nico to gain his trust. Then his one and only friend betrays Nico and tries to give him off to the bandits and Wargs that was tamed by the bandits. Nico’s parents told Nico to run away and don’t ever look back before they died. This causes Nico to keep everything to himself. He doesn’t want anyone to hurt him again. He eventually made a friend during his orphan years. Nico’s friend was like a big sister to him. She helped look after Nico. Her name was Bella. She was 15 years old. She was a nice person and was always there for Nico. At the age of 18, she decided to leave the church to take part in her dream. Nico was happy she had gotten to do what she loved. So he chose to go after his dream as well, but he still had trouble trusting people. He had to make sure he didn’t get into the wrong crowd. (Sorry But I’m not that imaginative.)
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