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    Askullus Kharnage
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  1. 0_0Bobby0_0


    Johan Elixus Wood has known nothing but misery since birth, his mother was cursed and marked to death by a bitter Necromancer with a grudge, causing both him and his mother to be relentlessly pursued by Darkstalkers attracted to their life-force. Beyond that, the townfolks constantly condemned and attempted to stone him and his mother for being associated with Darkstalker attacks to the village. After marrying a rich lord of the Holy Orenian Empire, both Johan and his mother prepared to settle down in a life of peace and harmony under the protection of the Imperial Military. However, the cruel lord constantly beat Johan’s mother for his own sadistic pleasure. Despite Johan knowing about the lord’s savagery, both he and his mother accepted it as their fate after years of suffering. One night, Johan’s mother stumbled upon a conspiracy involving the rich lord’s defection to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, the rich lord decided to tie up loose ends by cutting out her tongue and allowing her and Johan to be forced upon by orcs. As his mother bled to death before his eyes, Johan was humiliated and stripped of his dignity at only 15 years old as a plaything for the orcs for more than 5 months. On one fateful night, the Darkstalkers who craved Johan’s lifeforce appeared before him and slaughtered the clan of orcs that have abused him. From that night onwards, Johan viewed the Darkstalkers, who have attempted to kill him for more than 15 years, as the closest things to family to him. Barely escaping, Johan learnt to avoid the Darkstalkers despite the curse mark bestowed upon him by the Necromancer. Johan soon became proficient at stealth and hunting, he also absorbed their unusual swordfighting techniques as well as their ability of dark magic while hunting the living for their life-force. Johan soon became a renowned freelance bounty hunter under the name “Askullus Kharnage” to avoid Imperial pursuit. Askullus donned a red hood to hide his identity and instill his prior fear of Darkstalkers in his targets. He became known for his ability to track down his targets by sensing their lifeforce and cutting them down with beastly brutality. Askullus soon tracked down the Necromancer, who was revealed to be his father who abandoned him and his mother at birth. Askullus bathed his suit in his father’s blood as he cuts him open, and swore never to serve the darkness nor the light. Askullus Kharnage began his journey of solitude as he continues to kill for his own survival with no allegiances and no real goal ahead.
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