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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Juiceman


    Born into a poor family, Red would spend most of his Days reading at the library. He would eventually come across a book called 'RobinHood' at the age of 13. This would spark his passion for stealing within the more wealthy neighborhoods and giving back to kids who lived a life of poverty. People of the town called him RRed, and he would become quite popular for his thieving. Eventually he would be caught one night and be put in jail at the age of 15. He was sentenced to hanging 3 days after being in the guards prison. On the night of his hanging however a man had come to see him. The man introduced himself as Orick and told him he could get him out of here if he accepted his brand. Rred knew a bit about brands,they we're said to give remarkable powers but he thought it was nothing more then fairy tale. Orick said these new found powers would be as much as a gift, as they would be a curse, also stating the way he sees it though your dead tomorrow anyway. Not seeing much of an option Rred took the deal. The side of his face began to burn as the mans symbol became scared on his cheek. His skin turned a pale white and his left eye becoming a menacing dark red. He could feel his body begin to be restructured. The pain was unbearable, and he begged Orick to stop. Orick stood in silence. The pain overwhelmed Rred causing him to pass out and was taken by Orick back to the woods and dumped miles away from any civilization that would be looking for Red in the morning. He was completely unrecognizable now however. When Red awoke he realised that more nights then 1 had passed. When he made the deal that night it was a full moon. It is now a third quarter moon. He shook at the thought of realising just how long he was out. He walked for what seemed like miles on eating berries he read were not poisonous. He would finally reach civilization in a small town called... Wait he had never seen this town before. He walked into the tavern asking the lady about what day it was. She said it was June 12,1256. He was horrified he had been passed out for 7 years. He quickly asked the lady running the Tavern where Pronwood was located. She exclaimed the the man was joking, stating Pronwood was burnt down 3 years ago by dragons. The lady was surprised by the shocked look in his eyes. He could hear Orick, saying he was glad to see he was awake and asked how he felt. He also mentioned that his body reacted fairly quick to the process. Red was angry saying 7 years is not quick. Orick laughed saying kid it takes on average 15-17 years for people to wake up. You cut that in half. Orick reminded Rred of the curse that this comes with the mark. From now on you're at my beckon call, and will do task I need done. Disobey and that shell you woke up from will will consume you and any remaining family members you know. waking up won't be an option sadly. Like a dog on a leash. Rred would serve Orick for five years, fearing death for him and others. Rred would regain his freedom after Orick death from natural causes. Rreds can no longer sympathies and speaks his opinion no matter no matter who it hurts. To him status does not matter and he treats everyone with the same. He has strong PTSD and whenever someone starts any sentence with an 'O' he freaks out. The only thing that pushes his will to live is his dog, silver. He now spends his days mostly doing side jobs for money.
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