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    Snow Elf

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  1. Michelle_A


    Scarlet was born in Fenn settlement in a two-story house. Her father and mother were knights and they were often overprotective of her. They wanted her to be able to protect herself so they began her training early. She started learning the art of the bow at 3 years of age and later swordsmanship around 5. She had a childhood friend that she grew up with. He was found by her parents abandoned outside the city’s gates when she was 1 and took him in as their son. The two of them trained together and soon started to develop crushes on eachother. But she dreamed of traveling outside of the settlement and when she finally turned 18, she packed her bags and left at night, leaving a letter to her parents that she would one day return. She traveled the world, camping outside and in inns, making her living on the prey she killed. In one of the many towns she visited, the Curon settlement was the most interesting. There she heard tales of a creature called Pegasus, a horse that could fly, and she dreamed of meeting one, but knew it would just be a dream. She now feels like she has seen what she wanted and wants to return home. It has been 5 year’s since she left, and she is now on her journey back home.
  2. Michelle_A


    Scarlet was born in Fenn settlement in a two-story house. Her father and mother were knights and they were often overprotective of her. They wanted her to be able to protect herself so they began her training early. She started learning the art of the bow at 3 years of age and later swordsmanship around 5. She had a childhood friend that she grew up with. He was found by her parents abandoned outside the city’s gates when she was 1 and took him in as their son. The two of them trained together and soon started to develop crushes on eachother. But she dreamed of traveling outside of the settlement and when she finally turned 18, she packed her bags and left at night, leaving a letter to her parents that she would one day return. She traveled the world, camping outside and in inns, making her living on the prey she killed. She now feels like she has seen what she wanted and wants to return home. It has been 5 year’s since she left, and she is now on her journey back home.
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