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  1. YeeterFamGang


    At an early age about 5 years old Shikoba's mother passed away and his father had to raise him from then till he turned 20 but, in that amount of time Shikoba learned a lot from his father and his tribe when it came to his culture and personal stories. Shikoba around 10 years old start to have a keen interest in cold weather environments when his father told him stories about him and his comrades when they went on adventures to far out lands where the weather was as "cold as the water but even colder" as his father would say. Around this time as his father was telling these stories he started to change his style of clothing. Shikoba's clothing even though he lived in a mildly warm environments he loved the designs his father brought back with him and the clothing designs of his tribe to create his own work of art, his clothing which his tribe came to love. Some adopted the similar design Shikoba wore but, some despised it and didn't care for his "funky wear" they would say but, though he didn't like their comments and wanted to lash out at them his father taught his other wise to do so, so he acknowledged his father and moved on. When he became much older around 20 years old his father passed away though he was sad for a bit he wasn't in deep depression since his father's last words were "Go, go explore the world my son there is so much to see." After that he set off an adventure that took about 2 years where he landed him self in tundra biome where he finally was able to feel the cold environment for himself, he embraced it by creating snow structures and buildings he had a lot of flash backs to his fathers stories on what it was like and from what he remembers it was all true though he did get cold very fast but, he was prepared since he nearly prepared all his life up to that point. After accomplishing his dream he stumbled upon a old man who told him stories about another cold place just like the one he is in, He said its walls are as tall as a mountain, Shikoba was interested in this new location. He asked the older man where this place is located, As Shikoba and the older man talked for a long while he gave him a map that directs him directly toward Morsgrad...
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