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  • Birthday 02/05/2002

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    Funny, Smart. kind.

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Rosesmith Windrider
  • Character Race
    Wood Elf

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    Rosesmith was born into a strange life. She lived around a big tree two miles from Irrinor. It was a slow and boring life for Rosesmith, She didn’t go out as much because she looked after her sick father while her mother farmed. She loved to read about other places in Arcas and promised herself one day she will go off into the world and explore. Rosesmith’s Mother always wanted her to be a healer and live in the clinic in Irrinor because she did so well looking after her dad. Rosesmith liked the idea of becoming a healer but it was a more comfortable job but Rosesmith didn’t like comfortable, she liked the idea of maybe joining the Okarn’ame, maybe even traveling Arcas learn all the different cultures or finding a seed to join and have a sense of community in her life. When Rosesmith was sixteen she came home from Irrinor to find her mother crying on the floor outside there house. Rosesmith panicked and dropped all her stuff to tend to her mother’s aid. Her Mother said that her father passed away. There was a constant sadness in the house in till her Mother started to blame Rosesmith for her fathers death. When Rosesmith turned seventeen she left home and started her adventure. That brings us today where she is wondering the realm of Acras learning different things from different cultures.


    Rosesmith was born into a strange life. She lived around a big tree two miles from Irrinor. It was a slow and boring life for Rosesmith, She didn’t go out as much because she looked after her sick father while her mother farmed. She loved to read about other places in Arcas and promised herself one day she will go off into the world and explore. Rosesmith’s Mother always wanted her to be a healer and live in the clinic in Irrinor because she did so well looking after her dad. Rosesmith liked the idea of becoming a healer but it was a more comfortable job but Rosesmith didn’t like comfortable, she liked the idea of maybe joining the Okarn’ame or traveling Arcas learn all the different cultures. When Rosesmith was sixteen she came home from Irrinor to find her mother crying on the floor outside there house. Rosesmith panicked and dropped all her stuff to tend to her mother’s aid. Her Mother said that her father passed away. There was a constant sadness in the house in till her Mother started to blame Rosesmith for her fathers death. When Rosesmith turned seventeen she left home and started her adventure. That brings us today where she is wondering the realm of Acras learning different things from different cultures.
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