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Everything posted by TRoryJ

  1. TRoryJ


    When Travis Leon was young his mother, Lisa Leon, passed away whilst giving birth to him. His father Jefferson Travis raised him alone throughout his childhood. During his childhood, he didn’t have much contact with other children that were in his age group. Instead, he opted to hang out with maids and butlers who worked at his father’s tavern. As Travis grew older, his father became struck with illness and passed away. Jefferson’s will included that Travis inherit the tavern that he once owned, but Travis’s uncle wanted it for himself. Travis’s uncle hired an orc to kill Travis, but the attempt was foiled when a kind passerby stuck up for Travis. The stranger gave the man a pouch of food and tools and set him on his way to his new adventure. Travis, not wanting the trouble of managing a tavern decided to leave it to his uncle and start a new life.
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