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Posts posted by StrongBear

  1. A certain son of a Paladin looks over the missive, almost torn. ". . .He said help but if the rumors are true, as a betting man, losing a bet is something I never do. Needs to be played smart and the acts of this, are far from it."  He spoke while offering the missive to an animii bat, watching the creature take away the paper.

  2. "The one who killed the queen wishes for an escape?" An amused chuckle turn to cackle escapes the former Prince, "Hear that Severn? Ahaha! The chains never break, she'll still end up in the Hells with the rest of us."  Haldir utters towards the dead familiar which was nailed to a distant wall, returning to work while dwelling in his own madness.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Animii Crafting


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  4. kQGEPyM4Jq51B6JBTb0kebbBXPktFDdGlBjnFj5ICQ6Q-CJPAe-tvc4P_HsBP-9MFIs-1TDQCIQY7OWI7xPKRKVtcdAjFNCOmNwaHbC5XpeHDMiLLAUqN92uGLsoAXnviul09Ahlc4gfEFM4sGdjVwE

    The throne he sat in, the crown he wore - empty and broken







    A summons arrives, distance traveled, a meeting held. Many words spoken, the back and forth, the feeling of unease and dread filling the air. The man in question at the center of attention - a failure, one after another. Truths and lies mixing together, the world of the unknown slowly coming to light. His crown falters, the devious grin he once wore turns to shame and defeat. The smart Princeling, one so cunning and deceitful caught in his own web of lies. 


    The man in question, one who turned away, the one who thought he fooled the world, all it took was one fatal misstep.



    Twas a normal day or one apparent, tinkering in his lab as he usually does as of late, closed off from the world, unread mail piling up along with countless missives. Severn, his familiar, arrived with another bundle of letters, filling through before he voiced something of importance. A meeting. The only letter to meet his pale gaze, his brows furrow. He collects his belongings, packing his lab for the potential of a just in case. He summons two to travel with him, and they set off. Each city they passed, fear and dread pulled heavily over his countenance, even if they were normal occurrences of his day to day, something was different about such, it pulled him elsewhere. 


    They arrive, he knocks. The conversation starts off with friendly banter, a brief moment of catch up. Then the mood shifts, the candles start to flicker, the light in the room dims. A few more words of a brief exchange. A solemn nod was given before he was forced in the center, all eyes, there and unseen, were on the DreadPrince.


    The hellish flame that once resided in the DreadPrince’s soul - was finally snuffed




    OOC Note: Heyo, just another Strongpost! I know this decision may seem like its coming suddenly out of left field but in all reality, I've been debating it for a while. I've enjoyed the Naz community over this past year and then some but I'm taking a step back from it, just for a a little bit while I take this opportunity to do a little reworking of my character. Even with all the ups and downs, the little civil war between covens and what not, all things considered. I'll still be around, always open for RP.


    [This is also not public knowledge, so be mindful and don't metagame this interaction.]


  5. mIpmW_qTED-k85CPlDDhwJYf5xPATS9U6gsB5fcT5JZE4AD623T3oW_u4m1ZL2XYfWZ0CpkvG4SilgeIXUY-ai_Lmc26zCA7_0M7W7WZ2koDVrqkZ1F6LJ_DSS2BRc7ksPpuugY0qdpamMUgum99h_Q

    Voices, these voices, I hear them, and when they talk I'll

    follow, I'll follow, I'll follow what they say.








    A deal has been struck; two lives spared, one taken. 



    “Haldir, why are you here?” The familiar druidess inquires to the  young ‘ame.


    “...I’m not sure”


    The rain  never seemed to stop, just the constant pitter-patter of droplets hitting the rooftops, soaking the cloth between armor plates of  the denizens of Numendil. 


    Something was coming. The voices, the chaos.


    The voices started again, the ‘ame drowning out the world around him to focus on them. This time, the voices were different; they wanted something, something more than what Haldir is. 


    “Guide the Princess. Stick close to her.”


    There was slight hesitation in his movements, scared? No—fearful; for this was no peasant, but one who could certainly cost him his head. Alas, the he follows the order given, finding the Princess, and sticking to her side. Then chaos erupted; first it was the dark mist creeping from the Kingswood, then those atop and below the battlement were met with horrid creatures, and the fight began. Conversation in the square continued, calming in a sense, keeping the woman’s focus, gaining her trust in such a brief time. As the fight poured into the square, the cultists were focused on those who were nearby, it was their time to escape. 

    “Follow me.” He spoke under his breath.


    He takes the woman’s hand, guiding her through the fight, deeper into the city. Rounding a corner, then another—before coming to a location that was previously picked not by him, but by the other. The voices in the elf’s head drowned out the screams, the cries for help, the shouting. Another step of hesitation befell the 'ame while he continues forward, muttering beneath his breath, shaking his head. Suddenly, a bright flash of light erupts from before them, the ripping of a portal into the void to which they were both pulled into. The same sense as before, the falling, the weightlessness, abyss. 


    “Wait, please.” He pleads.


    Strike after strike, piece by piece, he was struck down, over and over again. His breathing became labored and raspy, blood streaming from his nose and the corner of his maw, fighting to keep his head up. Surely this was going to end…  but no, as the horror didn’t want death, it needed something. The Princess was binded and chained to the heart while the other bound and dragged away, forced to watch a ritual.


    “Save the Princess!” A voice shouts.



    Another fight erupts, those of Numendil followed, they needed to save their own. As chaos ensued, the ritual grew closer to its end, another portal of light ripping through the void. The world around Haldir grew cold, he lost the familiar feeling of eternal warmth and his vision grew distant, the sound of shouts turned to a ringing in his ears. He spares a brief glance to everything around before his head eventually falls, unconscious.


    He and the Princess were saved, taken…both alive but barely.





    OOC note: A huge thank you to both Daengie and the people of Numendil for a fun little event line. I just wanted to write something from the perspective of Haldir because to say the least, a lot has been happening to the silly guy. But I’m excited to see where things go from here. 

















  6. Deep within a cave unbeknownst to many, the Dreadprince suddenly wakens from his brief slumber, sweat rolling from his brow - "The first of five, more to follow." He spoke, his voice echoing off the cave walls, his gaze dancing around the shadows, "Always watching. Always listening. Never alone." He repeats over and over again, succumbing further into his own madness, his voice falling silent, just the constant twitching of his lips as the words continue.

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             Old Enough


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Alchemy is a science of understanding the material plane or material alphabet. Alchemists show a great understanding of this knowledge through years of trial and error to create various concoctions,  also known as potions, while also being able to show the process of extracting different symbols and signs for each recipe they’re attempting to recreate. Those who have a moderate intelligence may learn alchemy but are also heavily reliant on taking the time to learn and show what has been taught over the years, making sure they have a grasp on the science. Alchemy has also a wide range of different subgroups but can only be reached once base alchemy has been learned. 


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are many different subsections of alchemy; Infernal, Tawkins, Animii crafting, Smoggers, are such examples you can learn with an accepted FA and once base alchemy has been completed. Which all the different feats of alchemy, all derive from base alchemy with needing to identify symbols, extracting, then mixing everything together. Tawkins for example but known as Flesh alchemy in character - all of it's recipes and skills are geared towards altering the flesh and beyond,  minor changes such as changing an appearance, creating a new life being called Homunculi, then a new body for when the creators person dies called a Klone, allows the soul transfer to a new body.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Reni'dir stands before his assortment of jarred herbs, a faint pondering hum escapes him. He then glances down to the alchemical book on the counter, "Just something easy today." He muses with a faint chuckle. First he takes down a jar, rinsing it out prior to filling it with distilled water, setting it off to the side for now. He then pulls down three different jars; light, endurance, and finally swiftness. He carefully adds one count of each to a bowl, giving them a brief mix together.


    The alchemist takes the jar to move it closer to his work space, then taking the small bowl of herbs and carefully pouring them into the distilled water, making sure to get every last bit. Once he was finished, he seals off the jar then furiously shakes the jar, after a few moments, a yellowish glow radiates from the jar, lighting up the small room. The successful creation of a Luminosity potion.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    "The most important lesson always comes first." Reni'dir spoke towards his student, gesturing for them to draw closer to the table, "You will need to be able to identify the different signs and symbols that correlate with each of the herbs." He turns around, eyeing down the different books on the shelves, running a hand over each of the spines before finding the one he was hunting for. He finally sets the large book on the table, flipping it open to a random page. "Identify and extraction, go hand in hand. It'll get easier over time." He explains, "There are five signs; Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Aether. With each, they are generally easy to understand and where they can found, Aether on the other hand, it's a little bit more complicated since it can really only be harnessed from magic bearing beings." He said while flipping through the pages of the book, coming to another section. "Then onto symbols, there are thirty eight in total or at least what is currently known. And don't worry, you don't have to memorize every single one, you've have a copy of this and make sure you take notes during the more lessons you have with me. Are you ready to get started with making your first potion then?"  He turns around while he waits for a response, grabbing a few small bags of herbs, setting them neatly in a row, igniting the burns and pulling down a few bowls.




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would initially talk with my student, finding out if they had purposely powergamed or done so without realizing it. Regardless of the result, I would inform them of the proper way in which the magic is intended to be working. If I have come to learn afterward they continue to power game what they have I would then bring it to the attention of an ST, informing them of the power gaming of the magic in progress and seek ways to have the situation rectified, either have the magic revoked from them or have them removed from my TA.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  8. Just at the gates of the Seven Skies, the familiar man once known as Adrian greets his sister with a small smile, extending a hand out to her, "Well, finally you get to join me. Now you have much to tell me with all that I've missed. Come come, plus mutter and vater would like to see you."

  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             old enough


    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  10. 8kEvrLSKR0l1AV99-aNzD20V1Hh_u9yDUSE7G3tfne22-qLzDhQJDBduXAaPvVEVLBUzB67OC6HGFn00WdgVUMQvvmxSvxUOxOeNRIIaYfrciSuIb-p05ajFdDATMPYpmrGgPI21j79kCsBh9XaYVzA






    With every step that one takes,

    Their shadow follows closely behind.


    What kind of shadow follows you?


    The dooming question that no one ever asks, 

    The fear that lingers in the forefront of one's mind,

    The unknown that causes the fear to fester and grow.


    What kind of shadow follows you?


    You may ask anyone that question, 

    The responses will always be the same, 

    I don’t know but  surely I know it’s good.


    What kind of shadow follows you?

    If you ask me that question,

    My response will be, 

    The one you should be afraid of, 

    Because I’m afraid of my own shadow.


    Not because I don’t know what it is, 

    Because I know the power that it holds.

    I know the pain and terror that it can do.

    For my soft heart will be my down fall, 

    If I don’t own up to my own shadow.


    What if I allow myself to finally let go?


    If I allow myself to let go, 

    Then the world around me burns,

    If I let go

    I will have nothing else to keep me grounded,

    All that I loved will turn away from me.

    Those who saw me as perfect,

    Will hunt me down for what I’ve become.

    They won’t see the realization of what’s happening, 

    Until it's too late. 

    Perhaps it’s best if I remain the way I am, 

    The soft hearted fool.

    The fool that will eventually turn,

    Turn on those who loved me.

    Then themselves will become nothing more than just another person, 

    And I will mean nothing to them.





    What is this? A long and over do, Strong post? Of course it is! Have fun and enjoy the story. React if you wish but give me your green arrows.


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