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Everything posted by IronmanNinjaD4

  1. IronmanNinjaD4


    Arwen was born in Haelun’or in 1690. Her family died when she was young leading her to a long spell in the wild lands where she acquired many hunting skills and a few friends. In her mid 40’s she returned to civilization for a while settling in Sutica before venturing out to the Queens Isles for adventure. In her 50’s she once more journeyed to the mainland and wandered over the continent finding all types of fauna to collect. Including elder tree saplings and medical herbs such as Frostvine. While on her adventures she has always maintained her avid habit of reading books. One of her main goals in life before she dies is exploring every bit of the Realm of Arcas. Some secondary goals include becoming a Doctor, learning how to forge weapons and other hobby’s she wishes to learn.
  2. IronmanNinjaD4


    her life started out by being born and raised by her father and mother out in a small town. she was a single kid growing up. untill she was 17 she was the only kid in her family untill she found out that her mom was pregnant. but sadly the baby died before it was born. after that she became very sad. that when she thought ill just leave this place when i turn 50 so in that next 33 years all she did was sulk around the town or writing in her room then once she was 50 she left and begins to exsplore
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