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  1. brockoli


    Born in Oren, to a poor marekt stall vendor and his wife, Elspeth never got to know her mother, who died in childbirth, but grew very close to her grandmother, Madyln, after being placed in her care. Elspeth’s father was too busy consuming Night Sap to be bothered with her care, so for ten years she was cared for by Madyln. Madyln taught her to sew, to cook, and to farm. She taught her how to tend to wounds, how to read, and how to spell. It was Madyln who taught her what was necessary for life. As for her social life, Elspeth had one dear friend, Arlette, and was distraught when she moved along with her family, when Elpseth was 11. This was the same year Madyln began to wither away from her age. Even a wandering Highlander, skilled in medicine, could do little but ease her suffering with the use of Habgosnits. For seven long years, Elspeth cared for her ailing grandmother, supported only by the generosity of the town, instilling in her a desire to help others. Elspeth was 18 years when Madyln finally passed on, and she has spent most of her time as an eighteen year old, mourning. The small inheritance left for her had begun to dwindle, and her community felt suffocating. Left with no family, other than distant cousins and possibly her father, location unknown, Elspeth is eager to find her place, somewhere she belongs.
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