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Character Profile

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    High Elf
  1. PopOfFall


    Solwyn was born and raised in the city of Tor Eldar, to Valliline and Kleo Vethrai. Her parents are two of the high elves that left Haelun'or to bring Tor Eldar to fruition. Her mother is a warrior-like woman who is learning Chi, and her father is more of a scholar, though he is learning Kani. She has a younger adopted sister, Ciliren, who their mother found on the streets of Helena. Solwyn takes after her father, being a more quiet, scholarly type. Her mother owns the tavern of Tor Eldar, known as Malin's Rest. Solwyn works in the tavern occasionally, making her a rather good cook. She was also taught basic self-defense by her parents, both of whom are skilled in fighting-- they even once killed a demon on their trip to Athera, each bringing back a horn of the beasts they fought. Solwyn is an artistic girl, who enjoys nature for its beauty. She does have her mother's rebellious streaks as well-- when pushed, she can be stubborn and adventurous.
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