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Everything posted by Coronin

  1. Coronin


    Elia was born out of wedlocke to Wellian Syn’thel within Fenn, specifically the capital of Tahu’laren, and spent most of her child life being despised by her step-mother and being treated by her father as a bad memory, oft only with food and water provided, though she wasn't ever let outside unless she was going to school or snuck out through her window and down onto the streets below. This action, in fact, was the very thing that let her get more experienced with climbing, training her skills from the age of seven. Though a poor family, they had enough to get by, even if they had to go to the council to petition for food or other necessities to achieve a life that didn't make them resort to living on the streets begging. It was, however, a source of distaste for the young girl, seeing the fact that even in this society, her family had to go to such measures. Then again, that mindset came to her when she still wasn't sure why her mother disliked her. Despite all this, Elia was still able to get a formal education thanks to the laws and kindness offered to those within the city. It was during this time that the young woman would learn how to read and write in the common tongue, also learning the rudimentary phrases of other languages were she ever to come across those of other races within Tahu’laren, though she always found it odd that she never took the time to learn any actual Ancient Elven. Making friends with other street kids, she eventually became somewhat of a leader within their little 'gang,' stealing from food carts and acting out simply to get the attention that she wanted that wasn't being given to her by her father or step-mother. Though she was once caught by a street vendor, the anonymity of never being let outside the house let her give a false name and disappear without a trace. This was, of course, all up until she hit the age of maturity and upon turning fifty, she was kicked out of house and home by Wellian's wife, making the now woman decide it was time to leave the city and begin traveling. After all, it had been a dream of hers since she was young to visit the lands of those that came to the city from afar. Stealing a sword a rudimentary armour from a vendor, too prideful in her skills to by the objects before she left. Having trained herself against the monsters that would attack her, she now sells herself off as a mercenary as an excuse to get paid while seeing the rest that the world had to offer her.
  2. Coronin


    Elia was born out of wedlocke to Wellian Syn’thel within the Citadel of Acael and spent most of her child life being despised by her step-mother and being treated by her father as a bad memory, oft only with food and water provided, though she wasn't ever let outside unless she was going to school or snuck out through her window and down onto the streets below. This action, in fact, was the very thing that let her get more experienced with climbing, training her skills from the age of seven. Though a poor family, they had enough to get by, even if they had to go to the council to petition for food or other necessities to achieve a life that didn't make them resort to living on the streets begging. It was, however, a source of distaste for the young girl, seeing the fact that even in this society, her family had to go to such measures. Then again, that mindset came to her when she still wasn't sure why her mother disliked her. Despite all this, Elia was still able to get a formal education thanks to the laws and kindness offered to those within the Citadel. It was during this time that the young woman would learn how to read and write in the common tongue, also learning the rudimentary phrases of other languages were she ever to come across those of other races within the citadel, though she always found it odd that she never took the time to learn any actual Ancient Elven. Making friends with other street kids, she eventually became somewhat of a leader within their little 'gang,' stealing from food carts and acting out simply to get the attention that she wanted that wasn't being given to her by her father or step-mother. Though she was once caught by a street vendor, the anonymity of never being let outside the house let her give a false name and disappear without a trace. This was, of course, all up until she hit the age of maturity and upon turning fifty, she was kicked out of house and home by Wellian's wife, making the now woman decide it was time to leave the citadel and begin traveling. After all, it had been a dream of hers since she was young to visit the lands of those that came to the citadel from afar. Stealing a sword a rudimentary armour from a vendor, too prideful in her skills to ask the council for such things before she left. Having trained herself against the monsters that would attack her, she now sells herself off as a mercenary as an excuse to get paid while seeing the rest that the world had to offer her.
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