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Posts posted by salamanderfantasy

  1. Census of Medical Professionals in Lurin

    Issued at Year  183 of the Second Age



    It is here that I announce the retirement of Orion Tsecsar as the head-medic of the Capital Hospital of Lurin, and his replacement in stead with I, Doctor H. Marrow. Upon coming into leadership of both the Capital City Hospital, and the medical office of Cerulia, it has come to my attention that there is no record of actively working medics within either clinic.


    All serving doctors, or trained medical professionals, within the country of Lurin, are asked to report to Doctor H. Marrow, in order to allow the creation of a record.


    For practiced or trained medical physicians, who are currently, previously, or are able to be, staffed at the Cerulian Clinic and Capital Hospital, I request that a letter or message is sent to Doctor H. Marrow. Those previously authorised by Orion Tsecsar, Mika Anarion, or other persons, in either clinic, will be added to an official register of medics and given access to supplies in both clinics. For those who have not previously worked at either location will be asked to undergo a short interview prior to this. Medical staff approved by Doctor H. Marrow, in both the Cerulian clinic and Capital Hospital, will be de-facto considered staff of both clinics unless otherwise specified. 


    Medics are also encouraged to apply for positions within any vassal-state clinics of the Serene State, other than those organised by Doctor H. Marrow. The same exists vice-versa, with medics in other clinics encouraged to do the same. 


    In-training or would-be doctors are asked to not reply at this time, and will be made known when medical lessons will be opening at either location.


    - Dr H. Marrow



    Send a letter to me IRP, or message me on discord (also SalamanderMoss)! And for people who want medic training rp, keep an eye out for that!


  2. Just now, S1nnerVsSa1nts said:


    Ahhh I must've gotten it a bit mixed up, I gotchu. Yeah this makes sense - kinda funny that this wasn't already in it tbh.

    I do think they are excluded from Siliti for the reasons you described above, but siliti aren't playable right now so I'm not touching on them (and I don't think I'd be including them in this change anyway, because it's a Lore Based Exclusion, not an Inconsistency Based Exclusion)

  3. Just now, S1nnerVsSa1nts said:

    I think it's important to note that it wasn't JUST an exclusion for Halflings. If I'm not mistaken the creator of Siliti/Corcituri was incredibly racist which is they didn't let mix-breeds (Half Elves, Half-Orcs, etc.) be capable of turning. Unless that is or has been changed this amendment doesn't really make much sense.

    This is for Corcs specifically, which DO allow mixed breed descendants


    From what I was told, halflings were exluded from corcs because there was no source in their lore which said halflings were related to descendants, just that they "probably" were. But other lore has assumed that the "probably" is enough to treat halflings as mixed breed descendants, so this clarification is for Consistency, as well as making that clear in the original lore!

  4. [Core Race Lore] - Halflings





    Halflings, iconic for their short stature and idyllic lifestyle, are a highly concentrated and homogenized race among descendants. While bearing no heroic figure of the four brothers, Halflings rather have supposedly descended in a similar manner to Mali’dun. Certainly younger than any of the original four primary races, though elder enough to be beyond any true trace of lineage, Halflings are in history enigmatic. Though rather transparent and easygoing in their agrarian lifestyle, halflings have gone throughout history as peaceful farmers, typically straying outside of the violent conflicts which plague the other descendants. Celebrating a cultural folk-figure of “Knox”, this supposed god is an embodiment of the halfling spirit which lives on within every halfling.\




    Halflings, iconic for their short stature and idyllic lifestyle, are a highly concentrated and homogenized race among descendants. While bearing no heroic figure of the four brothers, Halflings rather have supposedly descended in a similar manner to Mali’dun, and similar to the elven-related Adunians, are of mixed descendant blood. They do not appear to present any curse or blessing strongly enough to determine ancestry, and arguably show aspects of all four. Certainly younger than any of the original four primary races, though elder enough to be beyond any true trace of lineage, Halflings are in history enigmatic. Though rather transparent and easygoing in their agrarian lifestyle, halflings have gone throughout history as peaceful farmers, typically straying outside of the violent conflicts which plague the other descendants. Celebrating a cultural folk-figure of “Knox”, this supposed god is an embodiment of the halfling spirit which lives on within every halfling.



    [Feat] Corcitură





    Only Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves (or mix breeds between those four) can be cursed as corcitură. 
    -Halflings, all CA races, as well as Paladins, Templars, Heralds of Azdromoth and Druids cannot be afflicted with the corcitură curse. Further, corcituri cannot become any of the aforementioned, with the exception of evolving into full siliti via the rite of rebirth.







    -Only Humans, Elves, Orcs and Dwarves (or mixed Descendants, including hybrids and core races with mixed Descendant ancestry) can be cursed as corcitură.


    -All CA races, as well as Paladins, Templars, Heralds of Azdromoth and Druids cannot be afflicted with the corcitură curse. Further, corcituri cannot become any of the aforementioned, with the exception of evolving into full siliti via the rite of rebirth.






    The result of a bit of casual discussion amongst the halflings and to a few ST members about the Mysterious Halfling Origins, and how the funny short people function in terms of lore, which got started around when a Corc player offered me the FA, with both of us assuming that halflings would be included. I didn’t take up the offer, but the redline didn’t make much sense to me. Discussion between the community and with ST has lead to the following conclusions:


    • Quite a lot of halfling players prefer having vague race origins and the ST agreed that rewriting the core race lore to be more specific isn’t worth it
    • Halflings are, for all intents and purposes, the result of mixed descendants, and are similar to Adunians (though not having specific curse/blessings because of The Vaugeness)
    • Some lore writers, halfling players, or other players are confused about how halflings function for lore where they’re not mentioned by name in redlines. 
    • Although only the Corc lorecurrently redlines out halflings on the basis of “no lore source that they’re related to descendants”, the same sentiment has led to confusion by players about halflings being allowed to have other types MAs/FAs. 
    • Corc lore is a bit of an inconsistency; most other lore considers halflings already to be vague descendant mixes, so this is worth correcting.


    So, this serves as a catch-all, rewriting the Corc redline to remove the halfling exclusion because for the purposes of lore halflings ARE “mixed breeds between the four”. This is clarified itself in the halfling core-lore, to reduce confusion between players and lore-writers for situations where halflings aren’t mentioned by name. Solidifying once and for all the position of halflings in-lore as “mixed descendants, fucked if we know which ones though”


    Now RISE my ankle biters


    (I also removed an errant \ at the end of the first halfling core lore paragraph)





    Screenshots of ST weighing in on this



    And the lore for ammendments:





  5. what would 'medical plugin' consist of. are we doin RPG health bars now or.


    Anything beyond a plugin to make basic items which work the same as player made items is gonna change a lot about medic rp. so im not keen on the concept w/o any details.


    imagine personas w/ 0 training spamming medic plugin items mid battle n then fighting as normal. Goin into the dungeon with x50 Potion of Minor Healing to chug between turns vibes. thats not gonna be fun for anyone

  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Magnolia Fiddleberry


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             N/A, self-teach book


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self-teach book in Sakurage Library, -2577, 94, 2032


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  7. To a certain Benign Wizard, the thought of the pontiff going through 'every nook and cranny' of her wizard tower, disturbs her so much more than the imp who keeps breaking in. So much so that she doesn't even bother to fold the missive into an origami swan like usual, and simply. Files it away in the cabinet.


    . . . .the recently rifled through cabinet at that. 

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Hael Monculus


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Naith Loa'chil


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  9. It takes the Doctor a solid week to decipher the missive. Confused squinting at the parchment next to her on the floor, on her knees and taking a scrubbing brush to the bootprints of a dozen of Saint Jude's men marking their way through the sterile zone of a clinic.


    Words are sounded out, etched in the margins of scrap parchment, prompted along by an encouraging entourage of alchemists, conversation punctuated by the bubble of liquid as bottle upon bottle of disinfectant filled. 


    And it is while one hand is busied with the binding of bandaging the other, yet another would left open and bleeding and salted, that the Doctor's eyes trace along a particular set of words.


    "A strange looking creature."

    Well, she supposes at least that part is true. 


    The missive is promptly disposed of among the waste gauze. Literacy seems to only be usefull when spent on something worth reading, she concludes. In the quiet of the library, one hand traces over passages of necrosis, festering wounds, gangrenous limbs and blood infections, and the other sprawls notes under a page titled 'treatments'.

  10. hello it's your local homunculus child replying to their deadbeat tawkinist dad. Also, hi everyone who's been guessing what Hael is for nearly half a year now -- she's a funky homunc!

    i second almost all of this, minus the kloning as I've yet to have any practical experience with that

    As anyone who's seen me complain for like 2 hours will know: I don't like the eye change. A big chunk of this is me-specific (i play a homunc with a LOT of eye-based character development) (i think jet black demon eyes are overdone), but also because it now means there is no possible route to plausibly deny being a non-descendant without going off the rails.


    Glasses/goggles can be removed, and gate guards will probably ask us to before we enter cities. (This is while standing on aurum floor plates which now hurt us) (thanks st). We can't change the eyes in any way, they were changed to be Harder To Disguise, but now they're almost impossible, and you just have to get lucky that nobody asks eye cover to be removed. Or gouge out your eyes repeatedly as the regrow.

    best outcome = no entering city
    likely outcome = guard panics, ur dead, wait one week to rp


    So what's your choice here? No rp in a lot of cities, considered darkspawn-esque, more risk of being attacked = being kinda encouraged to load up on mutations and become a CRP goon. Slides right into the spooky combat creature niche. Not inherently bad, but not what i signed up for


    Applying it to all existing homuncs sort of sucks too. I very carefully picked features of my homunc for a cumulative effect -- noticing weird body traits one after another until the observer realises a normal descendant couldn't be this strange. But now, all they have to do is look at the eyes. There's nobody on the server with completely black eyes that isn't up to SOME kinda dark shenanigans.  So now: much easier to spot. And even weaker than before.

    I also don't entirely see WHY homunculi needed an immediate, barely hidable tell that they're Creatures. It can't be for combat -- anyone who has aurum weapons, enchants, holy or void magic fighting is going to be Already Using Those in most combat anyway. And there are already ways of figuring out a homunc Is A Homunc in other roleplay, they just require a small amount of effort. Is it the effort that's the problem?

    I could honestly just shrug my shoulders at all other changes, but with those on TOP of the silly black eyes, Well I Am Going To Complain About It


    I can't speak on the anthroparion players and how they feel about becoming homunculi, but it sucks that they need to become what's a kinda worse version of homuncs now.

    And i'm gonna finish here. gotta keep on homuncing out of spite, so that's see how that goes! i have an old homunculus eye in a jar for Reasons though, HAH

  11. Hawthorn Fiddleberry had gone in a way, looking back, he was quite happy with. In a way that was both beautiful and horrible -- fittingly poetic. He had died feverish, but calm, full of wine and pipesmoke, hand in hand with his husband, and finally slipping away before dawn one night. Leaving behind a flute, a dozen drawers full of unpublished poetry, and Callum. He died content for once, his wanderings stopped, and his works left imperfect. When Callum would find his way to the Wheatfields, he would find the song of a reed flute leading him home.

    Magnolia wasn't sure at what point she went from the thought process of 'my old dad who lives out on the seaside', to 'my late father' -- but the change had happened a while ago. She isn't shaken by the sudden appearance of a will, moreso lightly amused, and secretly a little glad Callum hadn't died horribly to demons the moment he left.

    The appearance of Marigold again, though, is quite different indeed.

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