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  1. Frigid1207


    Celren was born in 1700 at the city of Vailor to a High Elf family of 12. Celren vaguely remembered his parents traveling to Arcas. He and his siblings spent most of their time tending to things around the house and doing whatever chores that their parents gave them. Celren is the youngest of the 10 children so he always got picked on growing up. His siblings tended to make him do all of their chores and his brothers would occasionally punch him, which made him want to be stronger. Celren was close with his father and would always remember his father telling him news about the war of the Two Emperors in the early years of his life. As he got older he would eventually leave his home to expand his knowledge. He would travel to other cities within Arcas to gain more knowledge. From all of his travels he learned a lot about the history of Arcas and his previous home of Atlas. At the age of 65 he felt as though he had learned enough and wanted to pursue the art of swordplay. Instead of traveling the land of Arcas for knowledge, he would instead travel it for combat experience.
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