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Everything posted by Prophicia

  1. Prophicia


    He never knew his birth parents but there was always someone there for him. The people taking care of him said his parents were killed by The Jester. or wait? was it Knox? Maybe it was some lowly bandit? It never mattered, they meant little to him. He always had everything he wanted and was s salfish child. He took and owned what he wants. He was lucky and didnt have to face many problems. And although he didn't have to face a lot of problems, he lacked intelligence. He did have some knowledge of war tactics, and researched Elven war history and tactics a lot. His favorite topic was the Civil War that started after the creation of The Conclave. Among war history and tactics, he also loved to read about the Wandering Wizard. And he was very interested in The Verge. Most people resented his for this but he didn’t care, he had people that were fun to be around that would look at him for more than his luck, but those people are meaningless and now long forgotten. He was still young when he shot his first arrow, and not that much older when he killed his first living thing. He was attacked in the forest by a feral human and he had to take their life. he did not end up making his was home that night, or any after that. he honed his skills with his weapons in the forest not caring much about his home, its not like he cared about anyone back there. he much rathered the forest even though he was in danger of wild animals every day. they were most certainly not freindly to him. until finally arriving to a town. he ended up learning the trade of being a mercenary and now works job from job, caring little as to what peoples missions are, or about the people invloved. He always wanted to visit Atlas but he knew it was close to impossible. but that will never stop him, nothing ever has.
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