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Everything posted by GoBananas

  1. The Eternal Library As published on the 10th of Amber Cold, 1780 The Eternal Library continues to flourish under new leadership, regulations, and systems. With this new found growth, we need more Mali’thill to step forth as Mediiran’indor (Helpers of the book, also known as librarians). Thus, the Eternal Library will now be seeking new Mediiran’indor willing to donate their time and energy into continuing this new found growth and prosperity. In order to become a Mediir’indor, the following requirements must be met: You must be a Mali’thill. You must be able to prove an understanding of reading and writing. In order to prove this, you must submit a book of your own writing, or have a book already within the Eternal Library. You must be able to show patience, understanding, and respect inside and outside of the Eternal Library If all of the requirements are able to be met, at the discretion of the Tilurir’indor you may be hired. After which you will be responsible for several duties outside and inside of the Eternal Library. Mediir’indor Duties: Sort through library books for quality and acceptability, as well as find a proper location for said books within the Eternal Library. Sort through library copies and document how many copies we have of certain books. Look through the library books for inaccurate knowledge of facts in given sections Aid library guests in finding books, as well as obtaining library cards. Buy books from other nations, or the auction house If you both meet the requirements and find yourself drawn to the duties given, please send a courier to Talia Kae’areh, the current Tilurir’indor. Signed, Tilurir’indor Talia Kae’areh
  2. The Eternal Library As published on the 15th of The Amber Cold, 1776 The iron doors finally have been ripped from the entrance of the Eternal Library, allowing free knowledge to all those who enter elcihi'thilln. However, while the knowledge is free to be found within the libraries walls, in order to check out copies of the books a new system has been found. In this notice the process of the new library cards will be explained and the rules that it carries. How to Receive a Library Card One must donate a book(s) to the Eternal Library. This book may be their own writings, or the works of another. The book must not already be within the Eternal Library already. It must be understood that all books will be held to standard. If a book does not meet such a standard, it will not count towards receiving a library card. It is important here to note that even if you have donated a book in the past, you will not be grandfathered in. A new book must be donated in order to receive a card. Once you have donated a book, your name will be recorded. A library card will be made either on the spot, or you will be asked to come back another time to pick up the card. In the event you have been asked to come back, once the card is complete and stamped with a sigil, a letter will be sent out to inform you the card is complete. Librarian Pins A librarian pin can be given to any who can prove they run a public library in another nation. This pin allows one to bypass the library cards need for donations of books. Someone who holds the librarian pin may request any book to be copied and used in their own public libraries. However, it should be emphasized that by requesting a pin they are in the understanding this shall work both ways, Meaning we may travel to their library and request copies of their books as well. A library pin can be denied for several reasons, all at the discretion of the Tilurir’indor Use of a Library Card A library card allows the owner to check out books from the library. It may be any book that is not a copy of a copy within the Eternal Library. However, when borrowing a book; it is borrowed. You will have one elven week to return the book. Failure to return a book on time will result in a fine of 25 mina for every elven week it is not returned. Read ‘ Library Fines’ for more information. Letters will be given out as a reminder to return your book, so do not let time slip! If you wish not to return a book, and instead keep a copy, you may instead buy a copy of a book from the library for 100 mina, and not need to return it. Library Fines If you are late at returning your book, you will be issued a library fine. The fine will start off at 25 mina fior the first missed week, raising by another 25 every elven week it is not returned. If you attempt to enter Haelun’or with an outstanding fee, you will be stopped. Either two things will happen; If your fees are currently at less than 100 mina, you will be asked to return the book and pay the needed balance. If your fees are above 100 mina, you will be asked to pay the balance; but need not return the book as you have paid for it with your fine. Loss of Library Card or Librarian Pin If you have lost your librarian card or pin, you may request a new one. However, it will cost 50 mina. There will be no exceptions to the rules, so take great care of your library card or pin. Revoking a Library Card or Librarian Pin Any library card or pin may be revoked at any time for any violation of the Eternal Library rules. The rules are located within the library, or a copy can be given by request by any librarian. If your card or pin has been revoked, it will be recorded. After some time, if you wish to attempt to receive a new card or pin, you must go through the elTilruir’indor. Signed, Tilruir’indor, Talia Kae’areh
  3. GoBananas


    Born in Caras Eldar, Nelta spent most of her time within the forest and the trees with her much older brother, and parents. However, the mali’ame was orphaned once September Prince made his final attack upon the descendants of Atlas. This attack and loss of her parents caused Netla to lose much of her faith in the aspects and the mani she was raised in. She fled Caras Eldar, turning into the wild lands. Upon arriving upon Arcas, Nelta found herself wandering place to place, living within the vast ruleless Sutican sewers. She had at this point completely loss touch with her brother who she believed had moved to Irrinor once the Dominion had fallen. Finally, Nelta decided perhaps it was time to start over, and headed to Irrinor only to discover the land empty and abandoned. Confused, she began to seek out where her people had went to. She heard rumors of a village outside of Aegrothond which was just beginning to form. She lurked within the outskirts for many months, before finally deciding it was time to come out of the shadows and return to the people she had long abandoned.
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