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Everything posted by AlmondPastry

  1. AlmondPastry


    Luella was born under odd circumstances, given her birth name wasn’t even Luella. While her mother was overjoyed with the pregnancy, but her father wanted nothing to do with children, yet put on a happy face for her mother’s sake. The day that she was born, a cold and particularly cruel winter, her mother passed away shortly after her birth, leaving the widowed father with this unwanted child. Begrudgingly, he raised the child on his own,neglecting her and keeping her out of sight, telling the other villagers that she was still-born and died with her mother. Eventually, when she was around eight years old, her father told her to pack her things, as they were going on a hunting trip, deep within the forest. Armed with her little bow, they set out. Luella was enamored with the world around her, as she was never let outside. While she was distracted, her father took a branch and struck her, just hard enough to render her unconscious. Leaving her with a necklace with the name “Luella” carved into it, so that she could never trace herself back home, he abandoned her and returned to his house on the outskirts. By the time she awoke, it was nightfall. She had no memory of who she was or where she was, but she knew two things: this place was scary and she couldn’t see from her right eye. Huddling herself under a tree, she tried to rest her aching head as she fell asleep to the cries of the forest. Once morning came, she read the necklace, discovering her “name”, grabbed her bag and set out of the forest. She wandered for weeks, only eating when nobles wished to see her crawl for food or when townsfolk took pity on her. Eventually, she found herself in
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