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Everything posted by JuniorModerator

  1. JuniorModerator


    Komi was born in 1704 within Haelun’or, she was born in a generally middle class family in Aegrothond as she grew up Her parents would later at the age of 26 she and her family would move to Haense looking for better education for there daughter. Unfortunately on there travels Both of Komi’s parents we’re fatally injured by bandits and would later die leaving Komi parent less. Komi would decide to move farther away for Haense and instead make her way to Suffonia where she felt she would be safe to continue learning and settle down after her parents death. She would find out later the bandits who killed her parents were from Morsgrad. Later Komi would leave the country interested in what life was like in the other nations, one of the many nations she would visit was Morsgrad and leave rather quickly having now developed a hatred for the nation. Her travels would take shape in around 17 years of her life purely travelling and eventually she would return back to Haelun’or back to her roots to see how her Home has changed since she has left. She would not travel again up to date.
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