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Everything posted by Yippid123

  1. Yippid123


    Creighton (”Cre” for short) was born 24 years ago in mid winter to a relatively poor highlander family. His mother Yelna was a practiced herbalist, knowing how to cure some minor maladies using plants, and his father Asten was a huntsman. The merchant class often were those who bought the furs off of his father to bring them to far off places, but the money was sporadic. Asten was open with his faith, he was a devout Cannonite, though did not push it upon his family, and he felt a particular affinity to the exalted Sigimund, for preservation is what he sought. They lived near the Free City of Rubern, it was where they would go to sell their goods, to socialize, and to get goods that they were forced to buy. He lacked siblings, as his mother miscarried many times, though finally they were blessed with Creighton. The main benefit of being a single child was going hungry far less than other children, but the Pilinaths did not hoard food, for they gave away what they could to other families in the area. Creighton was taught to take pity on those with less than him, to be generous and live humbly. When Creighton turned seven his father began to teach him his trade, beginning with making traps for small game and how to track them. It took him a while to catch on, but by the time he was twelve his father began bringing him on some of the larger hunts. Four months later Creighton scored his first deer, which he shared among his friends and family. Just after Crieghton’s thirteenth birthday his mother fell ill, becoming frail and having seizures often. Seeing her suffering and not able to bear it any longer his father smothered her in her sleep, knowing she had no hope to recover. His father remained cold and distant following this, the warmth within seeming to have vanished with Yelna. After Creighton’s sixteenth birthday his father said “You’re able to fend for yourself now boy, keep the home and don’t go looking for trouble”. He proceeded to walk out into the snows of late winter and has yet to come back. For the next few years Creighton was somewhat reclusive – he had a bit to process mentally, and had to get used to fending for himself. It’s rumored that his father went and joined with The Black Army, but Creighton hasn’t followed up on that rumor. Seasons passed, and slowly Crieghton learned to laugh a bit more in town, but was somewhat skeptic when it came to the romantic scene. He saw that love could drive a man to madness, to the point of abandoning his flesh and blood as soon as he saw it fit to do so. Crieghton wasn’t sure if he’d stay in Rubern, but didn’t have many other ideas at the time. He could join an army, but if the rumors were true he’d chance having to deal with his past. The forests near the cottage remained healthy though, so he saw no true reason to leave the area. Perhaps he would end up staying here after all. Maybe he could try to get some decent game to contribute to one of the next feasts in town.
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