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Everything posted by BrokenChromebook

  1. Wolf never knew much about his parents. Now in the year 1767, he knew more, but not enough to satisfy himself. His parents left Wolf with a caring farmer whom Wolf grew to call his “Father” some odd years ago, and told the farmer what to tell wolf when he was older. The truth of the story was that his parents were part of the Holy Orenian Empire during the Three-Month-War, his father disappearing during battle and never being heard from again. His mother was luckier, and gave birth to Wolf years later handing him to the kind farmer, then vanishing from existence a month or so later. Years of working for/with the Farmer later Wolf was told the truth about his parents, and grew to distrust the man who he had lived with, for not telling him sooner. So he stole a hunting bow and a quiver of arrows he’d used to kill many animals before, and a flat-bladed hunting knife, which he knew how to use in a quick and easy manner. Wolf left the same night after he took those, and became a sort of wandering burglar, preying of small villages that would never remember a kid in a black jacket. One night, his burglarizing took a turn for the worse as a man woke and came at him with a knife, slicing Wolf’s right eye, making a scar over it and surrounding tissue. It was his first kill, as he thought to himself, that he’d never do it again. Later he found that the blood from the wound had stained his previously injured eye red. He’d still be able to see out of it, but it gave a red tint to the world he saw through it. He has an anxiety attack if someone were to ask about it, or make fun of it.
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