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Everything posted by BryanTheMC

  1. BryanTheMC


    It was a cold sunday morning around 8:17 PM when I was born. I didnt really get to know my parents because my mom died during birth, and then my dad left. So I stayed with my grandpa and grandma in Minetopia, who own a weapon store. About 5 years later I got into combat when I picked up my first wooden sword and beat a cardboard box with it. Ever since that day ive been training my butt off with my best friend, the greatest combatant at my school, Wilbur Schlatt. About another 10 years later, on my fifteenth birthday,my grandpa gave me my first Iron sword, shield, and a dummy to practice with. But since that day I have gotten better and stronger and now that im eighteen I will go and adventure and try to find my dad. But unfortunately I'll have to do it myself because Wilbur Schlatt moved away somewhere without even telling me. So now my own journey begins and I will find my dad and get anwsers, and hopefully get new friends and find some treasures along the way!
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