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  1. Ygg23


    Laria grew up close to her father in eastern Arcas, Her mother was around but Laria was more interested in what skills her father could teach her. Her father taught her how to hunt and gather and also taught her about the religion of her people, elnarnsae'ame. She did not enjoy the idea of believing in this religion and decided to denounce her family after much quarrels in her thirties, she left for Fenn as she did not enjoy living in the forest with her family anymore. Laria never had many major love interests when growing up and once she was in Fenn this did not change as she decided to just hunker down and focus on a life of farming with little reliance on her peoples gods such as Cernunnos. Laria did however decide to believe in Cerridwen as she wished for a bountiful harvest for her farm every year, so she only chooses to believe in the certain parts of of her religion as those seem morally correct to her. Once in Fenn Laria was surprised to find how many of her people opted to live in the city but this did not phase her. She built a home with materials she bought with the money she took from her original how, it was not a large settlement but over time with money from the farm she started to nurture she would have been able to collect more money and build on to the home. Laria would also get visits from her only sister who would bring supplies and spare change if Laria was in need. Laria would refuse to use her hunting skills as she thought that killing sentient beings was not right and chose to opt for a more vegetation centered farm. Now in her fifties Laria will be heading out into the world as she thinks she has gotten a lot from farming in Fenn and decided it’s best to experience some of the world before returning to the farm for good.
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