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    lulivh1274 #6990
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  1. luli1274


    Settled in the vast plains of Haense, there was a family of 5 well built, dark haired sons, resembling there father before he had aged. Their mother was with child again, until the child came early harming her during birth. While she faught to stay alive, she passed knowing her sons and husband would care for her as good as she would have. The eldest son, Arden, held her close to warm the small, purpled body while his father tended to his deceased mother. Despite being strengthened inside and out from his commitment to the Brotherhood, he felt weak at the sight of his sister with her slightly crippled right side and fair, smooth skin. When she opened her eyes, he named her Lorcan; small but fierce, and he got lost in her differently colored eyes. From there on Lorcan grew up feeling lonely except for a strong relationship with her eldest brother. While she cherished the moments Arden was home, she found herself developing a skill for persuading her brothers to let her join in. She worked hard in what they let her do to impress her brothers and prove to herself that despite her disability causing poor eyesight in her right eye. Her father was her sole source of education but as he aged and grew weaker Lorcan realized she may have to fight for herself. Her father lost the ability to run the farm, so they sold their land forcing Lorcan to find work in Reza. To keep the house she knew she would have to work more than her humble job would offer. Now, though she had dreamed of being a guard, she used her skills to steal and cheat for the sake of her own father. Now she must keep a low profile to provide for her family but not bringing suspect to her brother, and retaining her beliefs.
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