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About AliceAn

  • Birthday October 5

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Eliyen Shaleth
  • Character Race
    Snow Elf

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  1. AliceAn


    Eliyen was born in the city of Tahu’lareh as a beautiful young girl. Her parents, Soliana and Zaos were very young to be having a second child which meant Eliyen grew up closely with her older brother Flinar. The two were fascinated with the stories that the travellers would tell the Snow-Elf children, especially since they we’re few and far between. Eliyen especially wanted to know all about the other elves, but whenever she asked, she was always brushed off or her question cast aside. When her brother turned 15 he began his military training which left Eliyen as a lonely child. In her spare time she would explore the outer city, gathering flowers and chasing after frogs rather than making friends with other children. Sometimes, days would go by without Eliyen speaking to anyone. Still, she was happy. When her mother wasn’t working they would read and sew together and when her father and brother came home they always had the most delicious meals. She was 17 when she began to notice her father lose his mind. She knew her race was susceptible to insanity at a younger age but she never expected her father would go through such a thing so soon. She noticed his deterioration everyday and when he left the military, she knew she had lost him. Having to look after her father like that was traumatic for Eliyen. Her mother and brother could never understand what she had seen and heard. One day she woke up and her father was gone. Constantly she would ask her mother about it but only vague answers were ever given. With grief consuming her she became distant. With no other friends to talk to Eliyen did nothing but wake, eat and sleep again. Years after, the wounds of that time began to heal and now, Eliyen has promised herself that her father would not want her to spend her life in solitude. She one day hopes to escape the place of so many memories and start fresh in the places she would hear of from the foreign travellers.
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