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  1. karate_keith


    My family is from some other land. I don’t really have memories of another place. Just that for the last 10 years I have been working my families farm. My parents settled down near the Hedgerow Fields. We are under the Kaedrin commonwealth, but this is meaningless to me. All my life my parents let it be known that I will never see anything other than our plot of land and the market when we traveled to Owynsburg. I remember I had a brother before we settled here but my parents insist that I am an only child. My only friend, Larys, was the son of a neighbor. Neither of us received much of an education. Reading and writing, what good is that for people of the land our parents would say. But we were suckers for stories that were told by passerbys. In fact I lost contact with Larys because he ran away from home to join in some crusade against Orks. Alone with no other friends I just focused on the farm. My mind would wander to the stories, but I kept telling myself they weren’t real. Then a week ago word came. Larys was dead. No other info was known but they recovered his body. Two days ago he was buried on his families land. Since then the only thing on my mind is the thought that I will die too. I am 22. I want to see more. The farm is not enough. I leave in the morning. I’ll tell my parents and walk out with nothing but the clothes I wear. I’ll either make my way or join Larys.
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