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Everything posted by Aquies

  1. Aquies


    Aquies is a nomadic tribesman and has taken a keen liking to cataloging biological and sociological data as he travels. He lost his tribe in a hunting accident where he was separated due to a thunderstorm, his tribe believes him to be dead. During his time as a child he was trained in various martial arts particularly sword fighting and archery, he is also proficient with spears. Aquies has always had a fascination with nature and cares about it deeply, to the point that he has been known to attack poachers and lumberjacks, these traits have earned him the nickname “The savage scholar”, he is also know to be extremely competitive and to fall dead silent when out matched. Aquies tribal lifestyle has lead him to see the technically proficient as leaders and his lack of religion has helped grow a distain towards the ideas of monarchy and that some bloodlines are “more divine” and “superior”, instead he believes that those who prove them selves should be allowed the right to run in elections thus leading to a strong and fair leader. Aquies was born on the 12th of the first seed 1721 in the wildlands around the time of the unification of the Holy Orenian Empire. Despite being only 10 and living a nomadic lifestyle, he and his tribe happened to find themselves at the reopening of the eternal library in the Silver State of Haelun’or. In one particular hunt Aquies was attacked by a large polar bear, which scratched him across the face leaving his signature scar above and below his ear. After losing his tribe he travelled with some bandits he came across, after one week they convinced him to help with a heist, they were almost caught and pushed Aquies under the bus to get away, extremely luckily Aquies managed to hide behind a bookshelf and got away, but this encounter extremely damaged his ability to trust non-tribesmen.
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