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  1. Biomechan


    Thomas Willhem was born in the Imperial city of Helena. His father, Daniel Willhem, was a tradesman and made a living by selling various goods he could get his hands on. Thomas’ parents raised him well and taught him all they could about the business. Thomas grew up helping his father with his shop, although he wasn’t exactly the greatest salesman. At the age of 20, Thomas met a human woman named Annabelle Turner whom he fell in love with. At the age of 23, she convinced him to move to Sutica with her to open their own shop. They moved into a small home just outside of the city and set up a dingy shop in the market district. Despite his father being an artisan salesman, Thomas had no such skill. No one seemed interested in dealing with him. After a few years, what little money Thomas and Annabelle had dwindled smaller and smaller. After another long day of failing to turn a profit, Thomas returned home to find his partner dead, mangled by a maniac. Thomas, feeling dejected, sold all he had and became a mercenary at the age of 25. Since then, he has honed his skills and combat and turned a profit from odd jobs.
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