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    Phillip Woods
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  1. PhillipeWoods


    Born in Avalain, Curonia, Phillipe, son of James and Annabeth was born into a small household and raised with his two older sister, Sophie and Monique. He loved his family and is extremely connected to them. He passed most of his time with his group of friends, James, Mary and George. Everyday after school(in wich he was good student and finished it with distinction) he loved to be by them and just have fun. By the the age of 14 he had started a relationship with his best friend Mary the day they started dating he gave a Blonde Blossom to symbolize their love. To this day they are still together and stronger than ever with a loving relationship, even thinking of having a child maybe. Phillipe always loved to be active and he helped his father with all the labour he could to help provide for his family, that made him very a energetic person and all the work he had put up whith made him very humble. His dream was to be part of a guard (as his grandfather had fought in the War of two emperors and died in it) and aspire to go up the piramid of influence through hard work and dedication and have a happy family around him.
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