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  1. Kai3250


    Liarx was born December 25th 2004. He never knew his father or had siblings, his mother always told him his father was killed by humans, inspiring his hatred for them. He cares for his mother inside their cave and occasionally hangs out with his friend, Gurt the Elf. Liarx has spent a long time trying to make peace with his father’s death but has yet to find it. He is a peaceful man so he does not seek revenge for his murder. He wishes to atleast find the human(s) responsible for his father’s death though. He enjoys being on the beach and caring for his mother and their livestock, although he doesn’t always get along with his neighbors. The neighbors, being human, don’t like them much. Liarx just hopes nothing happens to his mother, who is rather old for a goblin and can't get around much. He has an affinity for machines and relics as do most goblins and he is rather fond of money, though quite poor.
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