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Everything posted by Vixxal

  1. Vixxal


    Shiva was born within Sutica. Her mother, Ellinadrei, was a fighter within the Huntsmen guild and her father was a half high elven bard. Shiva has only heard tales of her father , mainly negative, because when she was born her father simply left on a ship, presuming he continued his barding career. She was primarily raised by her mother and from time to time a distant relative would visit. Ellinadrei raised Shiva with the common Wood Elven religion, the wild path, which was a bit awkward within Sutica. Kwakwani and Nemglan were Mani she often prayed to despite her mother urging her to make prayers to Bolomarmaa, a Mani that guided Ellinadrei in her darkest moments. Ellinadrei was a strict mother and instilled a good work ethic within Shiva, however, this harshness did not come with that much nurturing or kindness. Shiva has spent most of her life being under the thumb of her mother pushing her to follow her path, however, Shiva simply wanted to create. Whether that is painting, carving, or even writing songs. Her mother disapproved and often hid her tools or even burned them. Her mother even went as far as pushing her into an apprenticeship to study combat, however, she was often ridiculed by her lack of physical prowess by the other apprentice which led her to push herself more and more until she broke her arm in a sparring ‘accident’. After the accident, Ellinadrei stopped pushing her and let Shiva create again. Because of this Shiva got the sense that her mother was ashamed of her. Over the years Shiva developed an almost debilitating self doubt. It came to the point where she could not create anything without throwing it away herself. Shiva took up small jobs within the port and from time to time sails with a few trade ships. When she sails she often still sings the prayer to the Mani Kwakwani wishing she could embody a fraction of what the goddess represents.
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