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  • Character Name
    Nora Syre
  • Character Race
    Dark Elf

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  1. spinel_page


    Nora was raised in a household in the Kingdom of Renelia. Her family rejected the Dark Elf religion, due to this she grew up not really caring for the religion and liking to be different from most Dark Elves. She never really connected with too many other Dark Elves due to her family being somewhat shunned for their disbelief of the religion. She was also taught to believe that the Ancestral Plane and Luara, the Spirit of the Moon weren’t real. She believes that she shouldn’t have been a Dark Elf and instead should have been a Snow Elf. She had always been fascinated with the Snow Elf culture. She never really grew up talking to many other people, so she doesn’t really have any friends, and any friends she does have she has gone out of contact with them. She lived with her parents until she was 17, but she was soon kicked out of the house after telling her parents that she liked girls instead of guys. She spent a year just figuring out how to take care of herself, which is the point she is at now. Her goal has always been to be able to get into Fenn, which she should now be able to do since she doesn’t live with her parents anymore.
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