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Everything posted by Potsepis

  1. Potsepis


    The story begins in The Hegemony of Renelia witch i was born from an Elven couple who im still searching for their identities because when they abandoned me i was very young.They left me outside of a random house. i was sitting in my basket for days because of the cold . Some days later i found the strength to get up and started my journey .I was so lonely so i thought to my self. You need a new family Thomas i said to my self .Some years later i met some people one of them was Rakh'al.Rakh'al is a cheerful guy sometimes serious and some times harsh.He loses him self very easily on thing thats he cares about . He taught me how to be better at hand to hand combat and i repaid him by showing him how to hunt properly. The first adventure with Rakh'al was in a place called the free state of Sutica there, we found an exhausted Dark Elf who goes by the name of Kig-Yar we fed him and and we kept him company and later he joined us . Kig Yar might not be the smartest person in the world but he is a supportive guys and if you wanna count on someone he is the guy he is a very strong fellow but he doesn't know how to use him strength on hes enemy. After a while working we finally can call each other Family. And now Kig-Yar,Rakh'al and i are going to travel, looking for an adventure.…...(me and my friends all applied so both of them are their writing about characters which they applied for)
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