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Everything posted by Thursday

  1. Thursday


    I am a young elf, raised and sheltered by my parents in a secluded mountainside. I visited cities often as a child, sometimes staying for months at a time, to study with other children, primarily dwarves and humans. I learned much of geology, and have taken several trips into mines to see firsthand gemstones being cut from rock. I enjoyed public speaking as a child, and took more to civilization, although I greatly prefer nature to the bustling streets. My parents half-raised me in a library, surrounded by books from every culture. As a child, I particularly liked the stories about the first great battles with Iblees, and attempted to write my own version of the story (I was quickly scolded). I love to learn, and enjoy learning botany, geology, and toxicology. As a veritably stocky elf, I am used often around the household for labor. I’ve never been told where my name comes from, or who the first Thursday was. As a result of years of reading, I have developed a passion for calendars and the keeping of time. Recently, I have become accustomed to wearing an ax on my hip, to counter the short bow on my back. I seek to one day find a mixture, whether through magic or mechanical means, make portable fire, although I never truly expect an end result. My years of reading have revealed that leaving a project to rest, unfinished, is no sin, as long as one leaves instructions on how to continue. I am obsessively nomadic, but make enough impact on those I meet that it might be said that I have homes everywhere. Gemstones are an old trick, and I often find work at dealers, or as an administrator of a mine. Somewhat of a jack-of-all trades, I am not only willing to learn, but seek out new skills to hone. I am currently engaged in research regarding the Crimson Vase, and its’ potential as a portable fire fuel.
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