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  1. Trumbruth


    *He was named Brand because it means fire in dutch* Born into an unknown location far-far away he was born from a woman that had like the others darker skin than usual. People thought they where burned by the sun and called them people with the burned faces. When Brand was born his mother died and his father was gone but his mother’s owners wanted to care for him, they promised her. He grew up in a a big house but it wasn’t that easy. He needed to prove to them that he was more than just another someone, so he read his foster-father’s books, studied and understood more of the world around him (no magic) and he one day asked if he could help his foster-father with a book that he was writing and he insisted. From there his foster-father became his father. His foster-mother was always loving to him but now his foster-father... he was taught by his now-called father and learned many things about history, philosophy, humans and nature. When his father died, he mourned besides his mother and asked if he could go out and explore the world and make it fertile with his father’s work. She said yes and months later he went away from that settlement with a boat crossing the sea and soon he hit land (the server). He wanted to settle in, enjoy and explore the world and finally chose to live here until he died. Now years after that here he is. 40 years of age, very old but strong and wise. He may look different but he is a good lad and wants to farm for the rest of his life. This is based on colonisation, slavery, my race being negroid and me being wanting to be a philosopher.
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