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About ol_Lil_Nasty

  • Birthday 11/05/2003

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    ol Lil Nasty#5886
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  • Character Name
    Otto Wolfspire
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  1. ol_Lil_Nasty


    Otto Wolfspire was born and raised in a house in the woods just outside of the village Knoxville. His mother Amy worked in the village as a fletcher, while his father Norbert was a hunter. Otto would always help out where he could in the village. One night, she had gone out for a stroll through the woods. She had left a note stating that she would return before sunrise, but nobody had heard from her since that night. Otto still wonders what happened to his mother. During his teenage years, Otto became quite skilled in various fields. One that he became rather fond of was archery. He enjoyed hunting as well. Soon after he turned 19, he had decided to hit the road with a few of his friends from the village. They began their adventure to assist those in need, along with solving great mysteries. Otto has traveled a great distance over the past 3 years. He decides to pay a visit to home.
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