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Everything posted by Amirah

  1. Amirah


    Amirah was born in the dark forest of Nan Elmoth, where vary few Elves lived, and even less ever left. Her parents used to live in the Kingdom if Renelia, while her mother was still carrying her brother they left the kingdom and settled in the forest. Amirah has tried to find out why they ever lest the city but they would never give her an answer. Amirah’s mother and father we’re very strict prideful people, teaching Amirah to be a proud elven girl and praise her ancestors, such is the religion of their people. Although her parents taught her well Amirah was also influenced by her overprotective and ambitious brother, Amion, filling her mind of adventure and excitement. Excitement that she just couldn’t get in her secluded home. “Who wouldn’t want a good adventure,” he would often say. Not many people there were her age so she often spent her time reading and daydreaming about the adventures her brother always talked about. Once in her early years (she was around 35-45) her brother said he’d take her on the journey he had always promised, not dangerous, but just enough so she could see what the outside world is like. Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned, having not been prepared for how gruesome the outside world was a group of bandits found them and wanted to sell them for slavery. (I looked it up and some believe Gondor practiced slavery so...) The bandits almost succeded when Amirah and Amion’s father showed up and scared the bandits off. In his anger their father banished Amion from their home, heartbroken, Amirah never forgave her parents and swore to one day leave and find her brother. And when she was 79, she was finally ready to embark on her journey and that is where she finds herself upon a city.
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