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Everything posted by CageUncaged

  1. CageUncaged


    Abdullah was born in Al-Faiz to a family of 2 loving parents, 4 older brothers, 1 older sister, 2 younger brothers, and 3 younger sisters. His father was a moderately decent merchant, and his mother was a guard. As a young child, he mostly spent his time running the streets of the city, messing with the city guard, and playing hide and seek with his friends in the bazaar near their homes. They lived well enough off, his parents always having gifts for their children on Menaphos. As the family grew up, they were taught to take up the trades of their parents, and Abdullah seemed to have an affinity for mercantilism. While he has been in love a few times in his youth, he remains unmarried. He began working in his father’s shop and occasionally would meet foreign travelers, which only seemed to excite him more. He began to save up just enough money needed for travel to leave the city. While his father supported his decision, his mother abhorred the idea, begging him not to leave. When he became 22, he decided to leave home and travel in order to meet other people. He hopes one day to return home to show his family all that he has created, yet without knowing his future, he fears he will never see them again.
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