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Posts posted by najones8

  1. Harmonie Luciel von Reuss watches as all of her siblings are handed a letter of invitation to the hunt, curiously she looks to her mother with slightly furrowed brows "Wha?? How come Leuie and Winnie an' everyone else gets to goooo" whines the poor girl as she now must remain lonely in her shared bedroom without her beloved siblings who she's extremely attached to. @zuziee

  2. Student application 
    MC Name: ItzJustWaffles
    Discord: #waffles8166
    Timezone: eastern


    Name: Yumanea
    Age: 69...
    Field of Interest (Class): medicine, surgery 
    Will you require housing? (Y/N): no


  3. Yumanea sits in the grass for some time after being drugged and taken off into the woods by her sister. Slowly trying to get to her feet her back faces the cliff, some shuffling in the grass being heard by the ‘ame like there were someone behind her. Swaying to the side, Yuma is met with a familiar face…one she has not seen in quite some time. It was a small girl with strawberry blonde curls and blue eyes who only smiled at the woman infront of her. Yumanea couldn’t believe her eyes, this person was known to be deceased. 


    They stood there for what felt like forever, tears starting to roll down her cheeks she took a hesitant step forwards towards the blue-eyed girl. Though as soon as Yumanea had taken that step the small girl had without hesitation stepped right off the edge “Wait!” The ‘ame called out, crouching down to look over the edge that she had just seen her long dead friend step off of for the second time. Hearing some whispering behind her, Yuma slowly turned to see what it was “come on!” the voice called “follow me!” they said again. To Yuma’s surprise, it was her friend! With some excitement now, Yumanea slowly moved from the edge of the cliff and started trying to jog over to her friend that as soon as Yumanea came closer began running off into the woods.


    Still hearing the girls voice, Yumanea tried her best to keep up and not lose her in the brush. She kept calling out to her “Lets go, Lets go!” Not paying attention to almost anything other than the girl, Yumanea ended up tripping over a root, letting out a yelp and falling into the dirt. No longer hearing the voices the woman laid in the dirt for some time, most likely trying to listen for the girl’s sweet voice. But the girl didn’t seem to call out to her again.


    Moving her hair out of the way of her face, Yuma held onto the tree next to her for support while she tried to stand. Her head starting to spin she placed her hand on her forehead as she tried to move forward “where..did you go?” she asked quietly, still looking for her deceased friend who had run off without her after her fall. Swaying side to side as she walked, a thought popped into her head “maybe she’s gone home…” muttered the woman, pausing in her spot. Rustling in the trees would be heard below by Yumanea, the woman looking upwards at what looked to be another one of her deceased friends…lily, her feline companion. Offering a small wave in greeting, Yuma kept her head tilted upwards to see her cat that was in reality…a crow. Lily remained silent for some time before she began to speak! “we have to go home, I will guide you. Be wary of Marshall…he will trick you” The ‘ame gave a sharp nod, stumbling backwards some. Her companion was now on the move, taking flight and starting on her way out of the woods and on her way home. Though while following the flying feline, she starts to hear small pitter pattering behind her. This frightens the woman, not even bothering to look behind her. 


    The feline friend of hers would soon lead her out of the woods…she was home.. “where is my sister?” she asked herself, swaying forward as she started moving again, going inside the gates to find who she was looking for

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