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  1. Tempestas


    Tempestas was born on the road when the snow elves traveled from Talar’ikur to Tahu'lareh. this maybe what sparked his love for the road of travelling and adventure. with his parents both being apart of the military he grew up with parents more like commanding officers. he also grew up on stories of war,such as the ongoing Vaeyl wars the tales of blood shed and anger made him more reserved when fighting this can lead to hesitations in the face of conflict and at the sight of anothers blood.he fights so others can have the love he missed.the loss of love from his parents resulted in him becoimg angry often and unemotional. while it is know that prejudice is illegal within the snow elf community his mother found herself spiteful of the other elvin races. this unfortunetly rubbed of on Tempestas and leaving him with a guilt of being unwillingly prejudice wich he hides in fear of his life. after seeing the life he was leading to of work or war Tempestas’ craving for adventure and new things sparked alight thus leading him to leave his home and start a life for himself at 49. doing so at a young age left him to bcome a lone wolf and an almost outcast of the snow elves. while living on his own he saw the natural harshness of the wild and became enfatuated with being able to survive this lead him to hunt for a way to control nature for good or maybe bad. hes a rather moraly grey character well versed in the harshates of the world but uplifted in finding the good across the land thus leading his to the age of 58 on his ongoing quest to learn a new trade. throughout his travels he managed to maintain his belief in the Faith of Wyrvun’fiyem this maybe the only thing apart from apperance that ties him to his home.
  2. Tempestas


    Tempestas was born on the road when the snow elves traveled from Talar’ikur to Tahu'lareh. this maybe what sparkd his love for the road of travelling and adventure. with his parents both being apart of the military he grew up with parents more like commanding officers. he also grew up on stories of war,such as the ongoing Vaeyl wars the tales of blood shed and anger made him more reserved when fighting this can lead to hesitations in the face of conflict and at the sight of anothers blood.he fights so others can have the love he missed.the loss of love from his parents resulted in him becoimg angry often and unemotional. while it is know that prejudice is illegal within the snow elf community his mother found herself spiteful of the other elvin races. this unfortunetly rubbed of on Tempestas and leaving him with a guilt of being unwillingly prejudice wich he hides in fear of his life. after seeing the life he was leading to of work or war Tempestas’ craving for adventure and new things sparked alight thus leading him to leave his home and start a life for himself at 49. doing so at a young age left him to bcome a lone wolf and an almost outcast of the snow elves. while living on his own he saw the natural harshness of the wild and became enfatuated with being able to survive this lead him to hunt for a way to control nature for good or maybe bad. hes a rather moraly grey character well versed in the harshates of the world but uplifted in finding the good across the land thus leading his to the age of 58 on his ongoing quest to learn a new trade. throughout his travels he managed to maintain his belief in the Faith of Wyrvun’fiyem this maybe the only thing apart from apperance that ties him to his home.
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