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Everything posted by Lab4Games

  1. Lab4Games


    grew up your typical Oren Empire citizen, the sort one would likely not notice or pay and mind to.grew up in a decently wealthy self-made merchant family selling the pelts of various beasts to the populace. Living easy loved and desired simplicity to its core down to his detriment hardly paying attention to the world around him. At the age of eighteen, found himself dumbfounded into something of a rushed through at the moment a loving not so approved marriage by those around him including his family taking a large number of funds sought to prove them wrong.desired a happy independent life with one he believed he loved using various resources to build a home outside of the Empire and directly under the not so dense woods under the shadow of Hael’unor. Both Husband and wife overestimated each other greatly, thinking his experience in the pelt trade made him a proper survivalist and his Wife Ashlan believing to highly in the power of money only to find a shoddily built cabin and days of occasional starvation.found himself carried by pure hubris, his spirits were carried along by boast, and his temper sated by shouting what he thought were High Elves mocking him... despite likely not being paid any mind. As was an inevitability of one’s pure stubbornness and the sudden failings of his shoddily built home,found himself left alone, Ashlan seeming vanished from the area, decided to not believe it tracked her down having told himself she must have been taken or eaten.Fancying himself a survivalist hero he followed the nonexistent trail wandering back into civilization to find his Merchant family utterly extinct due to a bandit raid. Still stubborn Haff’es now ventures about with some hope of finding his missing lover… or to simply find some form of self worth, despite not realizing how desperately he desires it.
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