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Everything posted by Aumen

  1. Aumen


    Aeolyn was born into a peasant’s life as an only child, but with another on the way. At an early age her mother died of an unknown illness that her family was much too poor to cure, taking Aeolyn’s only sibling with her, still in the womb. This tragedy affected her father to such a degree, that he eventually hung himself when Aeolyn had barely turned 8. An estranged cousin sent letter to Aeolyn, but because her father had spoken ill of her, Aeolyn never responded, and took on the burden of upbringing by herself. After never grasping the concept of how to manage the land that her family was worked on, she eventually fled to Haense, where the peaceful environment helped establish a strong moral compass against murder and sexual immorality. Being alone and by herself, Aeolyn took to stealing in the night. Her extremely slender frame was useful for slipping in and out of places that would otherwise be difficult to get through. Multiple times, the Brotherhood of Saint Karl (by chance noticing her stealing clothing, then food) apprehended her, but her knowledge of the pathways and streets clothed in darkness allow her to escape time and time again. Eventually, a rough sketch was made of her, offering a substantial reward. This caused Aeolyn to flee her usual situation in New Reza, as well as dying her hair purple to erase any possible suspicion as she left.
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