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  1. Trevinth


    Torval’s birth was completely unremarkable in terms of anyone else’s to a family of blacksmiths in the county of Ayr, but his personality would make him distinguishable from other highlander youths. While the other children would play soldier or just interact with each other in general, Torval would be helping his father in the smithy and practicing the craft with very little social interaction with other children his age. Even when it came to religious obligations, Torval would usually only offer up what he saw as the minimum about of prayers and offerings to the Church of The Canon. Torval, from an early age, understood the value of supplies and that a soldier wont last long without proper arms and armor leading him to focus on becoming a blacksmith at the detriment to his social skills. This social awkwardness, while not something the residents shunned him for, resulted in a subconscious level of disappointment as it appeared as if Torval wanted nothing to do with others. This perceived desire to be a loner was not true though as Torval did desire friends, but by the time he had become a man, the unspoken stigma the residents gave him stuck and made him incapable of trying to rectify the situation. rather than wallow in distress though, Torval decided to embrace the solitude to continue to hone his smiting and self reliance in general. Eventually, Torval was not only preparing his own food, but even procuring his own raw materials from the mines. Though Torval viewed this self-reliance as a way of helping the community by not needing to spend any resources on him, others viewed it as him only being concerned with himself rather than helping the community or the nation as a whole. Eventually this turned to resentment and some approached Torval calling his actions selfish. It was after that altercation that Torval decided to set out to find a place or community to establish his own smithy and develop all the equipment others may need.
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