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Everything posted by inky

  1. inky


    Ashlei was born into a tribe far out of the empire but was abandoned at the age of, 15, left in the woods unsure where she was. for the next 16 years she needed to care for herself living in the forest learning to hunt, fish, forage and work with wood and bows. after a few years of solitude in the forest she saw a caravan moving through the forest on a road she had never seen before she decided to follow it wondering where it might take her. she ended up in aegrothond wondering through the streets amazed by the huge buildings and shops eventually she wandered into the tavern where she asked what the place was a man told her about what the city was asking her where she was from he gave her a really sweet drink that was her first sexual encounter he gave her a very large tip for her service for the next few years she lived of the mina she made at the tavern often going with people places for alcohol she lived in the forest all the while visiting the city once in a while to get alcohol and other supplies and from time to time till now where she still feels most at home in the forest but is spending more and more time in the city often to hang around the tavern for a drink and for her own pleasure.
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