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Everything posted by oinkatomic

  1. oinkatomic


    Av’chae was born and raised in the Federation of Sutica with her parents. Her mother was a bard while her father was a tavern worker. From the moment she learned to speak, her parents began to homeschool her. Her mother mostly taught her how to write poems and draw, while her father taught her basic maths and mere common sense. Through her teenage years, Av’chae had begun to travel from town to town to do bard work with her mother. As a distraction during her mother’s performances, Av’chae would doodle on extra paper she carried along with her. But the more they traveled, the less she saw her father, who eventually seemed to disappear from her life. Eventually the stress of their travels had caught up with her, so Av’chae decided to go her own path when she turned 19, which led to the full independence from her parents. Av’chae continued to travel at her own pace and ended up drawing pictures and doing small chores for coin. Today, she she continues to draw and do chores for coin while gradually developing better social skills. While not doing business, Av’chae often finds herself roaming Dragur Library, picking out books she thinks sound interesting (even if she doesn’t understand them), sometimes using it as an excuse to not socialize.
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