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Everything posted by Jaehaerys

  1. Jaehaerys


    Vaegon was born in the Princedom Of Fenn, one of the many attributes he shares with his kin. To his loving mother Venya and his strict father Lucerys. They believed he was born from a miracle, showering him with the greatest treatment and gifts available to them. when he was ten his mother Venya gave birth to his younger brother Alerion. which was surprising to everyone. There younger lives spent learning the about the wondrous world and its greatest kingdoms and races. Vaegon most definitely favoured education over brutish war. although he is not openly opposed to it in any way. Life was going as swell as it physically could. until tragedy inevitably struck as it so often does to the least expectant. There parents disappeared when going south to Sutica. they were supposed to be two months. its been close to two decades now. Who knows maybe they only wanted to start a new, who i am to judge. Our family friend Daemor took us in, sheltered us, clothed us, gave us sustenance. We fair forever grateful for his Generosity. Unfortunately Alerion didn’t fare well without his mother. although he would never admit it. Sadly not all was happy between the brothers. They argued about there Parents fate often. Vaegon believing they were still alive somewhere. Alerion didn’t have much faith in that though, Vaegon couldn’t blame him for it. Vaegon and Alerion made a pact to always stay together. Where one went the other followed dutifully. There vow to stay together made them an even stronger team then either of them knew Oddly enough he now wishes he had taken his brothers interest in swordplay, He lacks the skill to defend his Brother, his blood. That would be a much more useful skill then his book knowledge that he has. Vaegons main goal is to travel to the edges of the world, traversing every kingdom big and small. speaking to everyone who will listen. a feat which many in his family failed to complete, or even begin. that fact inspires him more than anything. he strives at greatness but is not actively searching for it. He now dreams for what the future will hold. He hopes to travel to Helena to Haense and even though his family doesn't have a great history with Sutica, his trip would be incomplete without it. He hopes it won’t come with trouble, but it most likely will.
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